Saturday, December 15, 2018

"Real Instruction"

"So shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever." (Psalms 119:44)

  If you ever are in need to know how to troubleshoot an appliance or equipment, there is the thing called the Instruction Manual; not only does it tell you how to operate whatever it is you have, but it also gives you tips to try and figure out what is wrong when it does not work properly. Nine times out of ten, it will turn out to be human error, like, is it plugged in, or, you have not properly secured the door or lid. Long story short, the Bible is our Instruction Manual for living; not only living in this life, but to obtain everlasting life. People are searching for answers all the time, but the real answers we need are found in God's Instruction Manual. The Creator of heaven and earth has given us His Instruction Manual pertaining to all that we need to know to find real peace, joy, and security; no where else will we find anything more satisfying than in His Book. Basically, the Bible is the only book we need to gain instruction from. If I was trapped on an island all by my self, and the only book I had was the Bible, I would know all that I truly need to know. I am sure that there are some math teachers who would disagree, but when it comes to knowing the things that matter most, "much learning does not teach understanding;" or so I have heard. If we are still talking about trust and the law of trusting in God, in all situations, then this makes perfect sense. There has got to be something we establish in our hearts, a certain mark or symbol that flashes a red flag within us in every circumstance. Fear is one of those flags for me, not fear itself, but the word fear, which I relate to, False Evidence Appearing Real. If you think about it, Abraham had a few battles with fear; so did David. We all do, now and again, deal with false evidence appearing real; when it appears that something might happen, but when all along, it was just our imagination. That might seem like a pretty simple illustration, but if you actually think about what we know verses what God knows, we really know nothing at all. It is best to just stick to the Manual...

"I will keep on obeying your instructions forever and ever." (Psalms 119:44) NLT

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