Wednesday, February 15, 2017

"Feeling a Little Dirty"

"Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground." (Psalms 89:39)
As we go though this list of complaints and the melancholy feelings, we might find it very strange how each and every on of these are feeling which could have been felt by Jesus; if that is, He had had no faith! But, He not only had faith enough to fight off these melancholy feelings, but He expected the persona of His ordeal to be what it was, a reproach and a curse; therefore, He had no complaints. As for David, his was something that was brought onto himself by his choice to be disobedient. It was more than expected that he should feel as though God had canceled His agreement; although God had said that He would not, David's heart still felt unworthy. There are a couple different ways that we can look at this, the most common being that of shame and remorse; but the higher ground way, is to experience the humility and the honor. What, you don't think those two things go together? Well I beg to differ! I don't think we can experience real honor without experiencing humility. I can't imagine a single person that could have experienced the kind of humility that Jesus did being judged and crucified by the world that He created. The biggest part of being humble is humility that could have been avoided. Jesus could have stopped it with just a word; just like He calmed the sea and the waves, He could have made it all stop, just like that; just as those soldiers feel back in the garden, He could have caused them all to bow down, by simply saying, "I AM." But He held His peace and let them spit upon Him, beat Him, strip Him of His dignity, and nail Him to that cross. You don't think that produced honor? It was all about honor, honoring the will of the Father! From the vantage point of anyone watching, this was a most brutal and horrific ordeal; some would say that God had totally left Him and turned His back on Him, while others would mock how He could have ever said that He knew God, let along that God was His Father. No, I'm sorry, but this covenant we have with God is not based upon feelings, especially not feelings that are brought on by our own sinful desires...
"The elders no longer sit in the city gates; the young men no longer dance and sing. Joy has left our hearts; our dancing has turned to mourning. The garlands have fallen from our heads. Weep for us because we have sinned." (Lamentations 5:14-16) NLT

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