Friday, April 15, 2016

"Bound to Be Free"

"There brake he the arrows of the bow, the shield, and the sword, and the battle. Selah." (Psalms 76:3) As I try hard to make this count for something, it continues to become more and more apparent that God just wants me to listen more than speak. After all, what could I possibly have to say, except that I know that He loves me; Oh How He Loves Me!!! As I was praying over this verse, a certain song kept running through my mind, "The Battle Belongs to The LORD." I know that I believe that is true, yet I continually need to stop myself from thinking that I must figure out how to make things work out, as if God needs my help to get the job done or to win the battle. You know that saying, "If it's going to be, it's up to me?" Well I own that saying! Every since I was a small child, that has been the driving force behind everything that I have ever put my mind to or set out to make happen in my life. I am not saying that it is a bad thing, because there are certain things we must do to get things done; sitting on my hands and waiting for something to happen has never been the way I operate. If we don't do something to make something happen, then we are bound to be considered slothful or lazy, which is something I can't stand to be around; lazy people bore me because they lack desire, and think that everyone owes them something, as if they were put on this earth to be a sponge. That might sound insulting, but that is how I see people who just want to live off hand-outs, and think that the government has money of its own to give away. Don't get me started! Every time they push hard against "The Donald" I get online a donate another $100.00 to his campaign. I am sick and tired of 'career politicians' who want nothing more than more power! Every little bit of power that they gain, takes more freedom away from the people; every single new entitlement that they provide, enslaves a nation more and more. It has been said, "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have." We have a serious problem, you and I, because we don't protest hard enough! We are people of peace and love, who just want to speak the truth and pray that someone will listen. While the other side, they get nasty and want no part of the truth; to them, the truth is offensive and must be kept silent; and if it's not, then they scream and shout, or throw things and burn buildings. It's pretty obvious that things are coming to a head; when almost 50% of the country is receiving some sort of government aid, it's pretty hard to come against the system. Like I said, "Don't get me started!" I think I have said enough for today, now it's time to listen... "Where there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability." (Proverbs 28:2) NLT

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