Saturday, October 17, 2015

"Bigger Than Life" -Too

"Let not them that wait on Thee, O Lord God of hosts, be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek Thee be confounded for my sake, O God of Israel." (Psalms 69:6) If you really stop and think about it, it is God's grace that makes all the difference in the world; not to discount His mercy, because I need more and more of His mercy every day; but it is His grace that gives us what we do not deserve! His mercy is wonderful, it's like taking off all the burdens and the chains of sin and being set free; but His grace, His grace gives us hope for what is to come, what He has in store for us, as His precious children. That my dear brothers and sisters is far more important than anything else on this little blue dot! So, we all know how much David messed up some things in his life; and we can see by the rebellion of those around him, including some of his children, that he did not have his life totally together; but God's overall plan and promise for David was not altered based upon David's performance. In other words, God's will was still completed regardless of the man's stupid mistakes! I don't think we get that message the way that we should. Some might take it the wrong way, by thinking that there is nothing they can do wrong; which is what might have happened to Solomon. And then some, well let's just say that some give up trying, thinking that God is done with them because of what they have done. God's grace is so much bigger than that! I heard about three different messages yesterday that had Abraham in them, and they were all speaking about Abraham's lies to protect his life because of Sara's beauty. Now that I think of it, it could have been four or five different pastors that made some mention of that somewhere in their message. It is important for us to remember that Abraham was not perfect, but he was a man of faith; and not just any faith, but he had faith in God; not just any god, but the God of creation: the One and Only God! It was because Abraham put his faith in God, that God accounted Abraham to be righteous; not that Abraham was a righteous man, because he had some flaws; but God, the one whom Abraham followed, He alone is the Righteous One; and as my mother use to say, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"...
"This is what the Sovereign LORD says: "See, Iwill give a signal to the godless nations. They will carry your little sons back to you in their arms; they will bring your daughters on their shoulders. Kings and queens will serve you and care for all your needs. They will bow to the earth before you and lick the dust from your feet. Then you will know that I am the LORD. Those who trust in Me will never be put to sha9me."" (Isaiah 49:22-23)NLT

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