Thursday, July 11, 2013

"Praising God"

Is it really any surprise that Psalms 33 takes off where Psalms 32 ends; I don't think so; and if it is true that Ezra is the one that arranged the Psalms in the order that they are in, then I can understand why he was so instrumental in the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and having the heart of restoration and a vision to see the power of God triumph over man's failures. And yes, the title above Psalms 33 in my Bible reads, "Praising God"; as simple of a concept as that might be, it's really at the heart of what we are, and what God has created us for in the first place. More than just mind-numbed robots, the free will that He has fashioned within us, is for the purpose of loving and praising Him; regardless of what you might think of predestination, it's all about God's greatness, and the fact that we get to participate in His greatness; and the more we realize how great God is, the more our free will to love and praise Him kicks in; and the more our free will to love Him and praise Him kicks in, the more our will to be holy is enhanced! It's really not rocket science, although it is truly a science; the science being the knowledge of God that can be rationally explained and reliably applied. Isn't that what God is asking us to do, to taste and see that He is good? You really cannot explain God's greatness in a way that compares to the way that you live God's greatness, it's something that needs to be lived to understand rationally; which means, that it is something that must first be applied to our lives, to even begin to comprehend how it works. After over thirty years of walking with the Lord, I am amazed at how much I am still learning about how much He loves me; it can not be measured, therefore, it can never be fully known; so why are we so surprised by new revelations of His great love? I love the analogy of God's love that is expressed by holding your arms outstretched side to side; it's the simplest way to demonstrate to someone how much God loves them: by simply stretching out your arms, and saying, God loves you this much!
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

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