Sunday, July 14, 2013

"Making It Beautiful"

"Sing unto the LORD a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise." (Psalms 33:3) The first thing people think when they hear that term, Balls to the Wall, they instantly think it has to do with the male genitalia, when it actually originated with pilots, as they accelerated quickly, the throttle is pushed all the way to the panel, and the throttle level (ball) actually touches the panel (wall); it basically means to push it to the limit, to go all out, or to go full speed; so there! When it comes to going all out in praise and worship, there is something to be considered in the process, and it has to do with three basic things: it's new, it's beautiful, and it's loud. The combination of all three of those basic things creates an energy towards God that brings a smile to His face, if you can imagine that happening. Okay, maybe you don't imagine that happening; but here is the deal regarding our worship towards God: He loves it!!! We were made to worship God! When we get to heaven, that will be our number one thing to do, is to worship God! And why wouldn't we worship Him? And as we shall see in the upcoming verses in the days ahead, our God is so, so awesomely, worthy to be praised! So, let me break it down for you, and see if we can get a better feel for what these three basic components to worship really represent. The first of these is really quite simple to understand, because it basically means to make it original; which really does not mean that it necessarily needs to be some new song that you just made up, but more of the way that you sing it, in that it is coming from your heart, and in the way that you would express yourself to God. It's basically the same as the way you would speak to someone you love over the phone, in that you would not disguise your voice, or speak like someone else, but speak as yourself and from your heart. And then again, it also means that you worship fresh, as in doing something for the very first time, and stretching out beyond what was done before; even if you had sang that song a hundred times before, your heart is prepared to sing it like never before. And then again; you can make up something original if you like; just make sure it's beautiful; which brings us to the next component, being that of "skilfully". This one is the hardest to describe of the three, because it has so much complexity, much like anything that is totally beautiful might possess. In a nutshell, this component has something that is pleasing behind it, as in, pleasing to His sight! The general idea is that of your personal desire to please God in your worship by making it something beautiful before Him; something acceptable in His sight, and something that you work at, to make it really really good. It also has an basic underlying gladness, such as would be the case in creating something skilfully that you put all of your heart into; which brings us to the next component, and that is to be "loud". This one is the easiest to comprehend, because it only requires shouting out, as in, not a whisper, but making it a shout for joy, as in sounding an alarm, or a battle cry. If you can imagine yourself rushing into battle, and making the sound of your voice drown out the fear in your heart; that is the general idea; it's a religious impulse... Lord, bless this mornings service, and give me the ability to speak from your heart; that my heart might be focused on You and not on me. Amen...

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