Sunday, July 21, 2013

"God's Greatness" -2

"By the Word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth." (Psalms 33:6) To totally understand what has taken place, assume that the Father is an incredible force, mightier than anything that can possibly be imagined; and as part of this incredible force, there belongs a Spirit which moves throughout all He has created, manipulating and holding things in order; and equally part of this incredible force, is the commands, that which come forth in word and breath to perform His spectacular works. Now what I just described is the faceless forms by which God exist; but the Bible says that these faceless forms are three very distinct persons; in other words, They are all God, made up by three very distinct individual qualities. This might be a highly inadequate way to describe how God is, but my point in doing so is to describe the Word by showing how important that He is in the mix; because the Word of God is that by which He gets things done. The word for "breath" is describing the Spirit of God, which is the third person in the triune God, coequal with the Father and the Son; that manipulating force by which God moves and makes things happen. But the Word of God is that by which He manifest any manner of who He is; whether that be by speech, utterance, thing, matter, or commandment; any form of God's expression is done by His Word, including that of His creations in both heaven and earth. Not exactly the complete picture, of that I am sure; but my point in this is to again display the importance of God's Word; because God manifested Himself in the flesh to command sin and death to be no more; His Word was manifested in the form of that which caused our state, that being the flesh of one man Adam, in order that He could command that sin to be removed from all those that believe upon His manifested Son. Incredible as that might sound, it was what He had to do in order to take possession of the sin; because God is Light and sin is darkness, and there is no darkness within God existence. You might see it some other way, and that is simply your right to do so; as long as you understand one basic principle that is undeniable, and that is who Jesus was, is and always will be: He was God, He was manifested by God, and He returned to God, that we might be One with both He and the Father for ever and ever and ever! So praise God for that command!!!

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