Monday, July 15, 2013

"Mirror To God"

"For the word of the LORD is right; and all His works are done in truth." (Psalms 33:4) The first word, "For", is very much the 'therefore' we are to be looking to; for in that, we are instructed first of all in verse one, that "praise is comely for the upright"; which is basically beautiful, as in praise is beautiful for the upright. Secondly, we are instructed what that praise should be like, as in the character of praise; starting with the overall velocity by which you are to enter into praise, by giving it your all; then the three dimensional aspects of what that praise should look like, as in new, beautiful, and loud. Interesting to see how this displays something of a mirror to God; don't you think? Okay; let me break that down to you; if I can! The velocity of God; how about we start with His love, as in, giving of His all! Never mind that He blows our minds by the wonders of His creations, but the simple fact that He gave everything He had to save us; having given of Himself, to suffer and die on the cross, that we might be righteous! Jesus was made sin for us! He that had no sin, was made sin, that we might be made righteous! Talk about making something new, that is what the 'Word of God' is all about: "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and be beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14) Talk about beauty; God turn ashes to beauty every day, as He changes broken lives into lives that mirror Him; lives that are holy before His eyes, have been made white as snow, by the blood us Jesus Christ. And talk about loud; oh my goodness! The battle cry of ages! The moment that Jesus died upon that cross, worlds realigned that we can never imagine! Besides all that happened which is documented in His word; we are talking about spiritual worlds restored by a three word proclamation: "It Is Finished!" A proclamation that was so loud, it shook the foundations of this earth, opened portals of heaven, rent the veil within the temple, and it opened graves, releasing dead saints to go and worship in the temple; it pretty much disrupted heaven and earth in that single moment; now that's loud! As I was giving the message yesterday at church, I was broken at one point of the message and began to weep; as I was sharing from John 3:14 & 15, which says, "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life"; and having thought about today's posting, even the title, "Mirror To God", I was broken by the revelation of how much God planned His redemption for man, and how He works all things out in such intricate detail, beyond anything we can fully comprehend; yet, we are always so concerned about the little things in our lives; little insignificant issues that we have, such as our abilities to walk in a manner worthy of His calling. Yet, don't we realize that if God could plan something with such spectacular detail and authority, that He surely considered our little issues in the process!
"Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright."

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