Friday, July 27, 2012

"True Soul Satisfaction"

"As for me, I will behold Thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness." (Psalms 17:15) Let them have their fill; let them be taken astray by their temporary desires: but as for me, so says David, I will have no part of it, but I will behold Thy face in righteousness! Understand this: the prince of darkness is the ruler of darkness, and all that walk in darkness are under his influence, and are subject to be had by him. This is why it is so important that we are not associated with darkness in any way; and why, as soon as we are revealed to be associated with darkness, in any way, that we confess that as sin, repent from it, and walk in righteousness. Oh yes, we do stumble; and yes, we do all have issues that cause us to fall short of God's righteousness; but that is what Jesus came and died upon that cross for! What we are talking about here is a way of life; a life that is set upon the path of righteousness, and that when made aware of something that is contrary to that righteous path, this way of life sets out to make whatever change needs to be made to correct that which is wrong, at all cost! The key to doing what is right is knowing the True Light; that is the foundation that is built upon the Rock, which is the revelation knowledge of who Jesus Christ is and what He has done for us; because without that sure foundation, we are destined for failure. This was the main difference between what happen in Peter and in Judas; both men betrayed Jesus: Judas by handing Jesus over to those that sought his life, and Peter by denying Jesus three times. Then Judas, who did not have that sure foundation, ended up taking his own life, being stricken with shame, and having no knowledge of who Jesus Christ really was. Yet Peter; although also stricken by shame, knew who Jesus was; and even though he had given up for a short while, and had gone back to fishing; as soon as Jesus revealed Himself upon that shoreline, Peter was quick to run to Him and to seek His forgiveness. Sure, Peter had some issues, and Jesus had made his main issue known to him as they were gather in the upper room the night of his betrayal, saying, "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat". It was only because of the pride that Peter had within himself that Satan had any authority to even ask to have Peter; because his pride was an element of the darkness, the prince of darkness had occasion to ask to have Peter for sifting him. But Jesus knew that Peter had what it took to be handed over to Satan to be sifted, because Peter had the revelation knowledge of who Jesus was, and because his foundation was built upon the Rock; therefore Jesus said, "But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren". Notice that Jesus did not say that He prayed that Satan would not have him, or that he would be protected from Satan; because Peter needed to be sifted that his pride could be removed. I know that for some, this might seem hard to understand; but the reason that God allows certain trails to be placed upon us, is not to punish us for something that we have done, but to bring us into a more perfect relationship with Him. What we are really talking about here is something called satisfaction; because, when we are satisfied with God, Satan has no authority whatsoever to have us; nor can he persuade us in any other way, or by any other light. This is what I believe is meant by "An Innocent Man's Prayer"; not that the man is actually innocent, but that he is satisfied with God; therefore, he is innocent by association with the One who gives him life. This is only made possible by He who is the righteousness of God, that being our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; for when we see Him, we will see Him just as He is: our righteousness; and we being Holy and Justified! The true soul satisfaction is only made available by the knowledge of Jesus Christ and what it is that He has done for us; knowing this, is that that which awaits us is the real satisfaction for our souls: for in that time, our true Holiness will be revealed, and we will be the reflection of God's righteousness...

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