Saturday, July 28, 2012

'The Reflection"

Before moving into Psalms Eighteen, I thought that is was fitting to reflect upon some of what was said in the eighteen days that were spent in Psalms Seventeen; especially seeing the length of what is to come in this next Psalm: we could be in that Psalm for almost two months. I think there were at least three things that really spoke to my heart during these last couple weeks; actually, it was at least a dozen, but for lack of time and space, I will concentrate on the three most impacting things that I believe God brought to my attention. I think of the three, the one that really meant the most, was the one that was the hardest to explain, which was about the protection of our soul. We spend so much time and effort protecting this body; making sure that it is kept feed and has a place to be sheltered; yet Jesus instructed us that we are to take no thought about those things; rather, we must focus on that which matters most, which is heaven: the place that our soul is going to end up in! As I was dealing with those things that God was showing me, especially within those three days when I was talking about 'Powerful Protection', I could not get over how simple God's reflection is part of so much of what we need, have, or look forward to. When it comes to God's protection and us being kept beneath the shadow of His wings, what is a shadow, but a reflection of Him! I am more than convinced that it is something we must want with all of our hearts!!! It must be something so important to us, that everything else pales in comparison to us being under that protection of His wings! Another hot topic that God spoke into my heart, was about how we are kept wanting, yet at the same time, we are to be content. To be satisfied with God actually should make us what to be more like Him; otherwise, we are just being comfortable where we are, and not reaching forth towards Him. This is something that God really spoke to my heart about, and has a lot to do with being content with where we are as far as being weak in certain areas of our faith; not looking for change to happen, when deep down inside, we know God wants us to desire holiness, because holiness brings us closer and closer to Him! Which brings me to this last topic, and is actually the springboard into Psalms Eighteen, and that is the reflection that we project to God as we are abiding in His Son Jesus Christ. This is something that God had shown me that I tend to forget about as I travel along day by day in this life; not because I am too busy with other things, and cannot stay focused upon His grace, but because I get so caught up in my lack to obey Him in everything, that I get discouraged and feel defeat. I think a lot of that discouragement is from the devil, and that is where he wants us to be kept: discouraged and unusable for God! Because when we are discouraged, then we do not maintain the reflection of Jesus Christ to this world...

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