Thursday, July 12, 2012

"God Is Truth"

"Let my sentence come forth from Thy presence; let Thine eyes behold the things that are equal." (Psalms 17:2) We really have no clue as to why things happen the way they do; and even when we think that we do know, the answers that we have come up with will only be incomplete pictures, and will only be the ones that are meant to satisfy our own personal reasoning. God knows the truth, because God is Truth! We are to be willing to trust Him; which means that there really is no reason that we need to figure out why God is doing this or that, but that we rest in the knowledge that He loves us, and that He only wants the very best for us. If we truly think about this carefully, what benefit do we have in knowing why, except to say that we know why? Jesus told us why He was sent, and that it was because God loves us; isn't that all that we really need to know? When we start to analyze what is happening, or try to figure out what God is doing, I truly believe that God gets offended by our not trusting Him to get us across and to the other side. Has He not given us His word, saying, "I will never leave you, or forsake you" ? Don't get me wrong here, I am in this same boat, and many of these questions that I am asking, I ask for myself. Having said that, I can clearly say, I have come to a point where I have quit asking why, and have started asking When??? When will You God? I believe that God can take offence in that question also, and yet, I constantly find myself asking it, and looking for each new day to be the one. On the other hand; we are to hope, which has the general meaning of that question, but brings with it the act of waiting on the Lord; which actually means, we eagerly wait! So; you might be wondering what any of this has to do with Psalms 17:2, and why the fact that God is Truth, can be the basis for His judgement? (I hope you are not!) There are more meanings for this word that is used for "sentence" than I care to get into today; but I will say that when it comes to God's justice in the area of a sentence, I would rather be judged by God, than by man, any day of the week! Because I know that God loves me, I can take refuge in His love for me; that love proves all things, be they afflictions, or pestilence, or persecutions, or whatever this world might throw at me to test His love, His love will stand the test!!! In 1 Corinthians 13:13, Paul makes a statement about the greatness of love, in which he says, "And now abideth faith, hope, and charity (love), these three; but the greatest of these is charity (Love)." We need faith and hope now, but when we get to heaven, they will be no more; but God's love, that is for all eternity...

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