Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"Staying True"

"The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: Thou maintainest my lot." (Psalms 16:5) So I hope you were not to concerned by being excited to do the things you like to do, because we all have things that excite us and are our passions; such as golf, snowboarding, and family gatherings usually excite me. But the bigger point that I was making, had to do with long term passion and that which makes us move, and is what directs are path. This is pretty much where David is going in this verse today, by saying that it is God who is the portion of his inheritance. To believe that there is a God is good, for only a fool would doubt that He exist; but to believe that He is my reason for existence, and that I must depend on Him for my very substance, that is altogether a different matter. Besides being a Psalm of God's engravings upon our hearts, this is also a Psalm that speaks of Jesus Christ and parts of His sufferings for us. The main meaning of "portion" has to do with food, as in that portion which is distributed for substance, or to maintain the office of the priests or the Levites; and "inheritance" is the award or share, such as would be expected to not only be the amount of food given, but would also be the results in which that food satisfies, or fulfills the purpose that it was intended for. The "cup" is something by which something else is poured out of, but before it can be poured out, it must be contained within something; which is the cup or vessel's use, for containment. If you think about how this might relate to Jesus and His death for us, there are two things which can relate to this verse; one being when Jesus spoke about eating of His flesh and drinking His blood; the other, is when Jesus was in the upper room with His disciples the night before He was crucified. In Luke 22:15-16, Jesus had sat down with the twelve of His disciples for their last meal together before He was to be killed, and getting prepared to share with them 'Communion' of His body and of His blood, He said, "With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer: for I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God". Jesus was the Manna sent from heaven; for He was that bread sent from God to satisfy the hunger of our dying souls; and as He broke bread with His disciples, He declared to them that the bread they did eat, represented His body that was to be broken for them. And He was the vessel or cup by which the blood was to be poured out; as He held up that cup, He said, "This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you"; signifying, not only the contents of the cup, but that of the cup, which was a representation of His body, being the vessel which contained the blood to be poured out. I know this may not complete the picture I am trying to paint, but you must understand the desire that Jesus had for this last supper, and how it meant so much for Him to share it with those He had chosen. When it comes to that portion of this verse which says, "Thou maintainest my lot", this is the part that pertains to staying true; because, if we truly believe that God is in control, then we know that He is going to bring everything into His perfect purpose; whatever lot that we are dealt, or anything that is cast our way, He will fulfill that which He has designed for us. This is what Jesus was saying as He spoke of not eating of this again until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. Jesus knew what His lot was, and He longed for it to be completed... 

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