Sunday, July 29, 2012

"A Song of Victory"

Coming to Psalms Eighteen, we have what is titled "A Song of Victory", and is much like many other songs of victory that were sung elsewhere in many areas within the Holy Scriptures, in that they all list those things that the victory was over. There is something to be said for knowing exactly what we have been delivered from, and what it is that God has actually done for us. This is a good example why giving testimonies of what God has done in our lives is so important to share, not only to those who hear how God has done something great in our lives, but also a great reminder to those who share what God has done for them. In many different areas of the Old Testament stories of great deliverance, the place where these victories took place were marked by something for it to be remembered by; sometimes like an alter, or a well; and then accompanied  by a song, or a proclamation. This would be something that would cause future generations to ask, What is the meaning of this? to which, there would be a testimony attached to that landmark of what God had done to deliver His people from, and whatever it was that they needed to be delivered from. I have also marked several areas in my Bible in such a way; giving dates next to certain Scriptures where God has spoken something from His word into my life that brought me through a victory; and then, also naming what it was that He delivered me from. As I run across these dates and comments that I have written, I am reminded of what it was that God has done for me, as well as the promises which I have made to Him and to myself. How easily we forget what it was that God has spoken so clearly into our hearts! Do you understand what I am talking about? It is much like when we read a certain Scripture that speaks powerfully into our hearts, and then later, going back to that same Scripture to receive that same revelation from God, we don't quite see what it was that we had seen before, or the meaning is not as powerful and specific to our need as it was before. God's word did not change, but our circumstances did; therefore, that victory which was manifested during the previous reading has already been won; therefore, the measure of what was revealed, and the need for that revelation has been diminished; therefore, the power that was felt in those words before has changed, because the force that the word was used against has been removed. (I truly hope that made sense to someone!) We must not forget what God has delivered us from; nor should we ever think that we are no longer in danger of being taken down that same road again. It is really wise to study the lives of the children of Israel, and to learn about all that that they were delivered from, and then seeing how they ended up in the same mess that they were in before, but many times worse off then they were before, and in need of God to do something much more than He had previously done. What makes this so??? Could it be that they had taken the previous deliverance for granted? You have no doubt heard to term, Out of sight, out of mind. It is easy to see why; isn't it? Don't loose sight of what God has done...

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