Monday, July 23, 2012

"The Discontent"

"They have now compassed us in our steps: they have set their eyes bowing down to the earth;" (Psalms 17:11) Isn't interesting how God's word can open up our minds to teach us things that we might otherwise overlook? Take this portion of Scripture for example; some may read this verse and see David speaking about being overtaken by his enemies; and worse than that, they appear to look away when confronted, as if they look down to the ground, pretending that they are not interested or guilty of any wrong doing. It's not to hard to see this, because that is what David has said; however, I read something else within this verse; something a little different and that fits a pattern of what God is showing me from this Psalm. Maybe it's just me, and I have something wrong with the way I look at things; and then again, this is my blog, so I can say whatever it is that I feel God is speaking into my heart! The apostle Paul said something interesting in Philippians 4:11, as he is thanking those who have supported him for their gifts, then he says, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content". There is a key word that Paul uses here about being content, which is the word "learned", because to be content is something that we must learn to be. We are discontent from our mother's womb; crying out as soon as we feel hungry or in need of some affection. And it stays with us all through our lives, it just changes to bigger and better things; although, some things are really not better, just more addicting. We must train ourselves to be content, and it must be something that we do out of obedience to the testimony of Jesus Christ. As I was praying over this verse, Psalms 17:11, I saw an illustration of two different scenarios that showed the actions of those that are discontent with what God has given them. The first illustration was that of those who are always seeing what other people have; always chasing after the footsteps of someone else, and trying to figure out how to get what others have instead of being content with what they have been given. The sad thing about this illustration, is that is not the way things work! You ask someone how they got where they are, and then try to copy that journey, more times than not you will fall flat on your face! The other illustration is connected to the first, and is the result of not being satisfied with what you have been given. You see this expression in people every day, yet when it becomes apparent within a Christian, you have to wonder if someone has stolen their little red wagon: the expression that I am talking about is hanging of the head in discontent and in a feeling of disparity; as if God has not treated you as good as He has treated others. As with what Paul says in Philippians 4:11, contentment is something that is learned, and there is nothing we can change about where we are or what we have in this life by thinking about it; let alone, to be dissatisfied with where we are and what God has given us... "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" (Matthew 6:27)

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