Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Sometimes life just is not fair! For whatever reason, we end up taking the wrong turn, leading to the wrong direction; or we take the right turn, but then get thrown off course; either way, we find ourselves in a battle to get back to normal. As we come to Psalms Seventeen, there are a few things we need to be prepared for as we begin this Psalm; primarily, we need to know that this is not a song, this is a prayer; and not just a prayer, it is "An Innocent Man's Prayer", as per the title over this Psalm in my Bible. I have written a footnote below this Psalm in my Bible that reads, 'Do not try to cross the bridge before you come to it!'; and I do not remember why I wrote it, but I can only imagine it was from hearing someone say it; maybe it will come to me later? Anyways; the most important thing that we must understand in moving forward through this prayer, is that the way that seems right may not be right, at least not right at this moment; and God's way of answering our prayer, may not provide the answer that we are looking for, at least not the answer we wanted to hear. The reason that these directions and these answers are misconstrued is because we do not understand why things happen, and for what reason that God allows things to happen in our lives. It is kind of like the old 'glass half full or half empty' way of looking at life; is it a positive or a negative thing that we are going through; is it for our benefit or for our demise! If we are on our guard, and as a true believer in what God's Word promises those that are His children, then we know that "All things work for the good!"; but as a man or a woman that is trapped in a fallen world, and looking for quick answers to 'Why is this happening to me?' kind of situations, we tend to forget about promises; even though we might read them over and over again, we still might be searching for the answers in our heart, even as we read these verses with our eyes. One thing that could be taken from what I have written in my Bible, is that we should never try to create our own bridge; which is what we do when we try to figure out what God is doing, or for what reason that He is allowing something to happen. Our number one priority must be to draw near to God; for it is only God who can give us the satisfaction that we need in any and every situation; and even then, that satisfaction that we find will not be perfect until we are in heaven. So far, I don't think that there is an application available for my IPhone that can get me quick answers to life's complicated situations; if so, maybe they would call it "The God App"; and even then, if we knew the answer, would we still take all the right roads? Life is complicated; and just when you think you have it figured out, we find out that we misinterpreted the real meaning...

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