Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Powerful Protection" -2

I could not skip over this that easily, and really want to explore this whole concept of God's protection. If we stop communicating with God, we suffer in more ways than just not hearing from Him will generate; such as not knowing the proper path to take, or the peace we get from having that intimate fellowship; but we also suffer from being outside of that shadow mentioned yesterday. Remember, we are not talking about grace, but protection; because, I believe that we will make it through based upon His grace, but we might be a little banged up from the journey. With that; let's look at that first question, which was about scars, and whether or not we might have any when we get to heaven. First off, I am not talking about our new bodies that will be scared, but our souls; which by the way, is the protection we are talking about here, in case I did not make that point clear enough before. The soul that we have right now is the same soul that we will have in heaven; it does not change, as our body will; for this corruptible body must put on incorruptible, and will be transformed either by death and resurrection, or by the rapture, it will be changed. Our souls on the other hand, do not change; they are the same souls that we have always had, for they are eternal. That is the thing that many people do not understand. If we go back to Adam and look at what happen in the garden, Adam did not physically die when he ate the apple, but he did spiritually die, being separated from God's Spirit by the connection his soul once had with God's Spirit being severed because of sin. However; just because his soul was severed, did not mean that his soul was dead, or that it would die; because his soul was created by the breath of God, but his body was formed from the earth. Therefore; if we have the same soul when we get to heaven, doesn't it stand to reason that we will have the same bumps and bruises that our souls have received in this life? Provided that they actually receive any damage from anything; which I guess we will just need to wait and find out! However, when we read Matthew 5:27-30, Jesus is speaking about something that requires plucking out an eye, or cutting off a hand; to which He is not speaking literally, but is making the point of how important it is to deny our flesh; and then saying, "For it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell".  As for the second question, and to whether or not there are different areas in heaven, this is something that many will try and debate; for in this, we have the question of rewards, and whether or not we are given position in heaven based upon our life lived out as His child. Personally, I believe that there are, and that they are based upon our attitude of service; such as whether we are serving God, or whether we are serving man. We know the difference between the two, and if we say that we don't, we are just kidding ourselves. This is something that also goes back to our communicating with God, and how important it is that we not only stay in communication with Him, but that we desire to be in constant fellowship with our Creator. It is by this constant fellowship with God that we remain under the shadow of His wings; and when we feel as though we are not hearing His voice, then we need to take care to get back in fellowship. That is the key! We should never settle for not hearing from God; as if to say, "I am not hearing from God right now, so I guess He is not speaking". God desires to speak to us: just as He listens to our voice, He wants us to hear His also... "Unto Thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest if Thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit." (Psalms 28:1)

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