Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"Our God..."

The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower." (Psalms 18:2) Here we have nine descriptions of who God is and how He is associated in the life of the believer; but within these nine descriptions are three areas in which God is manifested or works in the believer's life. One way that we can relate these three areas would be that of a battlefield, and how in any battlefield there are always three basic elements of war that are always present: there is the defence, and the strength, and the offence. It is the strength part of every battle that will determine the outcome; but the defence and the offence are what require strategy in getting the battle won. However; in looking at these three areas in such a way, we must always remember, the battle belongs to the Lord! He is our defence; He is our strength; and He is our offence! The defencive areas are represented by the first three descriptions: "The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer". Each one of these descriptions depict an area that is associated with the protection given by God to keep the enemy at bay, and to give shelter from that which is coming against us. It is easy to see this through the first two, which are "my rock, and my fortress", seeing that both speak of a stronghold for security; but the third one, it has the same meaning, with a little bit of a twist, in that it speaks of slipping away, as in to cause to escape or to save; which would be the case if we happen to be in harms way, and were in need of being placed within a secure place. The strength areas are listed as those next three, which are easy to determine since the word strength is used in between the two other elements; but in this, the simple meaning of "my God", is used as might or power; such as would be the case of any god that is used by various cultures, where their gods are used for bringing things to pass, or for protection from whatever they may feel harm from. And then we have the term "in whom I will trust", which goes back to the 'shadow of Thy wings', in that we know that under His shadow we are protected, because within His shadow there is strength. And then, finally, we have this third area; not that this is the most important, because they all are equally important; it is just that this one is the area where God's offencive measures are listed; and when God is on offence, things are usually extraordinary and spectacular! The word "buckler" is one that might seem as used in the form of defence; however, it speaks of a different kind of a shield, which is one that is used for protecting with a force, such as a smaller shield would be use in a battle by knocking into or forcing one's enemy back. The next two elements are very similar, and also speak about power; however, they speak about power that is superior to all others, and that is far exceeding what is needed to defeat the enemy. The word "horn", as in "the horn of my salvation", is a term that speaks of might of horns, such as would be the case with any animal that has horns is pictured as those horns being their might, and are used for advancing forward against their enemy or foe. The last element, although seemingly a defencive item, is far from something that is used for defence, because it is so far out of reach it becomes an offencive item. In other words; God's height of security is so high, that all fail in their attempt to obtain it, or to compromise it in any way; therefore, His refuge is an offence...

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