Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"And God Delivers"

"Show Thy marvellous lovingkindness, O Thou that savest by Thy right hand them which put their trust in Thee from those that rise up against them." (Psalms 17:7) I want to try and think of the most wonderful thing that God has shown me, and I cannot think of anything greater than His love for me. I tried to make my quest more about something of a physical nature, but could only come up with the fact that He gave me my wife; and even then, His love was revealed in that relationship. It just comes down to the fact that His love is so unique and personal to each and everyone of us; and yet, we all share in that same love together. Last night, as I was trying to get to sleep, I could not help but think about what Paul says in Romans 8:28 about "All things work together for good", and thinking how many times I have heard this verse misquoted, and the word "together" being left out of the quote. We can try all we want to make this personal, but try as you might, it is about all of us together! Try and think about the one thing about the devil that makes him so much of a force against this world; would it be his desire to take as many of us to hell with him as he can? And yet, the opposite of that destructive force is the love of God to see all of us saved and with Him for all eternity. Therefore; we that are called, and that share in God's love together, have this same desire deep within our hearts; the desire to see as many as we know delivered from destruction, and saved for all eternity. The word "marvellous" that David is using to describe God's lovingkindness, is a word that means to be distinct, separated, or set apart; it makes the point of God's love being distinguished from all others; that there is nothing which can compare to His love for us. Within that same distinction there is a force that passionately moves towards delivering all those who shall be saved, and bringing to an end all the death and destruction that sin has caused upon this world. It is that passionate force of God to which "all things work together for good"; which means that even the bad things God uses towards the good of His purpose. The problem we have as partakers in all of this, is that we see the physical side of most everything; which means that we see most of the bad, but do not see all of the good. This is David's prayer that he is pouring out to God; that God would demonstrate His mighty love as He saves those who put their trust in Him. And we know that God has done so, as He has sent us His Son to deliver us from death and destruction, once and for all!!! And soon and very soon, we will see God's completion to all of this, as He has promised...

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