Sunday, July 15, 2012

"By God's Grace"

"Hold up my goings in Thy paths, that my footsteps slip not." (Psalms 17:5) You have most likely said or have heard the expression "There but for the grace of God, go I", which is commonly used to express relief in being where you are, verses that place someone else might be in, such as having lost everything or having fallen in sin; but do you know the origin of that saying? It is said to have first been spoken by an evangelical preacher and martyr by the name of John Bradford; who, while looking out his prison window, said while watching a criminal being led to his death, "There but for the grace of God, goes John Bradford". In 1555 he and another young man named John Leaf were burned at the stake, and before being set on fire, he turned to his fellow victim, and said, "Be of good cheer brother; for we shall have a merry supper with the Lord this night". As we can see, not always is it those who are guilty to which bad things do happen. Thinking back to that pond filled with decoy ducks, I can only help but wonder how many of us are taken in by the devil's distractions; or more importantly, by the comfortable places he draws us into. In light of what we know about the destroyer's tactics, you would think that we would be more vigilant to pay attention; but there is something that comes with feeling comfortable, which is a false peace and security; a unrealistic safety to feel comfortable just where you are, and doing nothing to draw closer to God. David had a very unique understanding of God's grace, and how it was not just that God pours out grace randomly upon anyone, but that He holds forth His grace for those who will receive it. In that light, it does not matter where you are at, or under what circumstance you might find yourself in, His grace is always being held out for us to receive; such was the case with John Bradford, who having spoken previously about God's grace being what kept him from the executioners, relied upon that same grace when it was time for him to go also. This is the point that David is making here; that it is not just the path we are on, but it is also the manner by which we travel down that path, and by what strength we are traveling. We must never come to the place where we feel that we have arrived, and that we are complete in our goings; such an attitude will take us down quicker than than almost anything else. Every day; every hour of every day, is another time for us to reach out for God's grace; to rely on His grace for our every footstep. Think of it as if you were walking a tightrope, and that twenty foot long pole you hold is God's grace; each step taken, is because His grace keeps you upright and balanced as you move along that path; if you let go of that pole, you will slip and fall; however, there is something else that holds us: grace upon grace!!! There is a lifeline from above that is strapped to our waste...we may fall, but not too far...

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