Friday, July 13, 2012

"God Knows The Truth"

""Thou hast proved mine heart; Thou hast visited me in the night; Thou hast tried me, and shalt find nothing; I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress." (Psalms 17:3) Yes indeed, God does watch our lives; every little thing that we are, He knows, and He can see even those dreams that we have at night. What David is asking for with this statement, is that God would judge him according to the intentions of his heart; which God knows, can see, and has proved David in from the time of his youth. This is part of his request from the previous verse, that God would let His eyes behold the things that are equal; equal meaning the things which are right, not based upon injustice or deceitfulness, but based upon truth; they are weighed in the balance of justice, and they are found in a straight way. Okay; so here is a test: When you are being persecuted, is your way before the Lord straight enough that you can make this request? Look at this in a little different light, and try considering just the last portion of this verse, which says, "I have purposed that my mouth shall not transgress". Notice that is does not say "my mouth has not transgressed", because he may have transgressed with his mouth; but he is purposed not to do it, which means that he is determined not to offend anyone with his mouth. In James 3:2, James give an example of the power of the tongue, by saying, "For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body". We may not fully understand the meaning of what James is saying until we are standing face to face with Jesus; but that main point he is making has to do with how unruly the tongue is, and that the chances are we all have offended someone in word; and if you have not, then you must be perfect; and what are the chances of that? We must purpose in our hearts not to offend in word; and even then, it is still something that requires God's help to control; but God, who searches our heart, knows if we are sincere or not, and He judges upon the intentions of our heart. The point to what I was asking, was to do with the sincerity of the heart; as to whether our heart is sincere enough to ask God to judge us upon the actions of our heart. For someone who is not sincere in their walk with God, this is taking a bad situation and making it worst; because not only are they being persecuted by the world, but they are asking God to the integrity of there walk, and to use that as the basis for His consideration of deliverance. It is not a matter of being perfect, for we all know that we can not be perfect; but it is a matter of seeking after perfection, and the desire to be righteous in everything we do; whether it be in word, in deed, or in the secret places of our hearts, we are sincerely asking God to judge us in all of these areas; and upon that, is my way straight enough to make this request? That is the question...

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