Monday, September 19, 2011

"My Perfect Wife" -3

I have something else to say, and then I will move on. First and foremost on my mind is the fact that God is in control! I had a rather strange discussion with a gentleman that came to my house on Saturday, where he tried to convince me that Satan was the ruler of this world, as if he was the one in control of everything. This I do not believe, nor do I think God has given this world over to Satan for him to thrash it about any way that he pleases. At one point in our conversation, the elderly man talked about the question that many people ask, Then why is there so much death and destruction in the world? At which point Job was mentioned, and how God allowed Satan to destroy Job's life. I really did not think this man knew in his heart what it means to be free from the curse of sin, nor did he understand the mercy of God; however, he did say something that was correct, God does allow Satan to do certain things; God even allows man to do certain things; but, God is in control! He is on the throne, not Satan! Therefore, as a child of the King, I must believe that God has my very best interest in mind when He let's things in my life happen. I must never believe that something allowed for my life is of the devil: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28) Thus the title of these last three days, "My Perfect Wife", because He is in control, and if He is in control, then my life is perfect, and so is my wife. Does that mean I do not want her to be healed? absolutely not; as a matter of fact, I pray for her healing several times every day. But something that I have learned over the last eight years, is that God uses her to minister to me and to others, over and over again. Just when I think He is done, a fresh waive of ministry comes though. Sometimes the current is like that of a river, where it might appear still or barely moving on the surface, but down below it is raging through. I must tell you something that I have witnessed from experience, go to any Care Facility in your area, and view the occupants that are there with mental disorders; you will find that most of them are women. Tell me why this is! I will tell you what I think: men have a real problem loving there wives, and sacrificing for them; yet the women, they are all about love and giving care to those that they love, and most of them will do it till they are no longer able!!!

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