Monday, September 5, 2011

"The Creature" part 3

So, after yesterday, should I go on? If Knowledge is the quality that the Lord gives to the New Creature that He has made, then surely He should be allowed to judge what that creature has done with it: What have you done with what you Know? I asked someone yesterday, What do you think a talent stands for? Their answer at first was, Money, gifting that God gives us, and... I stopped them there, and said, No, spiritually, what are talents? Their answer, Faith and Love. To which I asked, But what are faith and love based upon? Are they not born of the Knowledge of Him? The Bible says, Not that we loved God, but that He loved us; and it is the Knowledge of His love for us that causes us to love Him. The woman at the well is a great example of faith; because until she had the Knowledge of who Jesus was, she could not see her own need for forgiveness, and know the power of putting her faith in Him. She is one that could not contain herself after receiving Knowledge from Jesus, and immediately ran to her countrymen to share what she knew. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a New Creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17) God, being the Master of all creation, does not make mistakes! Everything that He does, or that He allows, is for a reason; His purposes, His ways, and His plans. As I was reading through the first 16 verses of Matthew this morning, I was struck by the list of names; four in particular caught my attention: Rachab, Ruth, Solomon, and Manasses; all four of which were expressed by more than their names in the list of The Family Record of Jesus. Rachab and Ruth are listed along with the malefactor in the line, because these were both from outside the family of Israel. Rachab, or Rahab, was the woman who took in the spies, as they spied out the Promised Land, and who let down the scarlet thread out her window at the time of the attack. Rachab was married to Salmon, who begat Booz, or Boaz; who married Ruth, another woman from outside the children of Israel; that was back to back mixing of blood with the Gentiles. And then we have the two mistakes, Solomon and Manasses; Solomon who was born of her that was the wife of Urias, and Manasses who was the child that should not have been, except for Hezekiah pleading for more years to live. God does not make mistakes, man might, but God does not!!!

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