Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Complete In Christ"

Do we suffer from falling short of what we think is required of us? I have always wondered what it was that God has called me to do; and yet, my bewilderment always leaves me feeling unfulfilled. The first step in fulfilling our calling is to rest in Christ; but given my need to do something, resting is so hard to do; at least that is how it is for me, because I have always been someone who likes to stay busy; and sometimes busy things are not always good things. I have something written between verses 10 and 11 in Colossians chapter 2, and it says, What does God want? Again, I am really not quite sure when I wrote it, but it has to do with waiting upon the Lord, that much I am sure of. This same principle is placed between our labour to be righteous and the righteousness that we have been given in Christ. How so, you may be wondering? Jesus Christ is our righteousness, yet when we set out in our own busy way to try and be righteous on our own, only to fall short and wonder what went wrong, we set ourselves up to be beat up by the enemy. Satan loves it when we are bewildered by our weaknesses; he loves to push that in our face, as if to convince us that either we are unworthy of God, or that God is not with us. I believe this might be the point of being settled in our faith, besides just being grounded, we should also not move out further than that which the Lord would have us to go. For me, that is hard to do, because I am so hard headed in doing things my way; setting goals that are always beyond my reach; refusing to look at the instruction manual before I start assembling some new piece of equipment; not asking for directions and getting lost and upset. In order to rest in Christ, we must stop what we are doing, and do what He wants us to do; which requires us to ask Him what He wants us to do. How often do we do this? I will eventually ask for directions, but at what cost? Is frustration an expense to me? I think that it is; it sure can turn me into someone that I would rather not be. For me, I find myself being a fool over and over again, by doing what I think that the Lord would have me to do, and then wondering why it did not work out. The Lord would have me to pray first before moving forward; so I pray, Lord bless this move that I am making. How about study His Word for the direction that I should go; which sometimes involves flipping through the pages until I find the Scripture that meets my plans; or opening to a random Book and pointing to the page, and letting the revealed words guide my way (very foolish, don't try this at home!!!). We that are called into the Body of Christ are complete already in Him, and there is nothing, absolutely nothing that we can do that will make us more complete in Him; this is because it is His doing that has completed us. Having said that, I must add, that anything to be done through us, must be done in Christ working through us to continue that which He has already completed; and it is only by His leading that this will be done...

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