Sunday, September 18, 2011

"My Perfect Wife" -2

"...he should divorce her and start over,..." No, that does not sound cruel at all; it sounds like the opposite of love! 'In sickness and in heath' does not stop at, well how sick are we talking about? I have some advice for someone who claims to be a Christian and claims to love his wife: care for your wife, and let God show you what love really means!!! I know that it sounds weird and might even sound crazy; sometimes it can make me feel a little crazy; but, I love my wife more now than I ever did in the past. There is something created in our hearts when we give ourselves to the care of someone; especially someone that you love. Call it compassion, or whatever you want, but there is nothing more precious to me than her frailness and her dependence upon me for the care that she needs. There are times when I feel weary, I won't lie; but there are times when I feel that I have been given the greatest gift that God could give me: to know Love! This might seem odd to some of you, maybe even all of you, but God has given me a chance to see what it is like to love as He loves. When we were still sinners, God loved us; when we are still sinners, God still loves us; He never stops loving us, yet we do not always love Him. Taken as a whole, the world does not have love for God, yet He loved us enough to place Himself upon a cross and to die for the sin which separated us from fellowship with Him. I do know that I love my wife very very much, but I can not prove her love to me; at least not by showing what her love for me looks like. Most people that see her just think that she is a vegetable and how horrible it must be to live like that; but they do not understand what I know. I know that she is still alive inside of that shell; I know that see still knows me at certain times when I hold her hand, read to her, pray for her, or sing to her; just as God knows that the world has love for Him when we pray to Him, sing to Him, worship Him, and sacrifice for Him. Do you understand what I am saying? To know love, you must live love; and if we abandon love, then we are going to be killing a part of us that we will most likely never regain... "Husbands, love you wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it;" (Ephesians 5:25)

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