Sunday, September 4, 2011

"The Creature" part 2

Whether or not you want to believe it, I am not totally convinced that a man can stop, quit, or even walk away from his Salvation. I know that might sound almost Calvinistic in nature, but this has to do with the creature that is made at the time of salvation, more than whether or not their is free will involved. What I am talking about here, is a new life form; something that has been created by the Spirit of God making His abode within a man. Let's just say that 'The Judgement Seat of Christ' is just that: His judgement upon that which He has created by His death on the cross. But wait a minute there Rich, are you saying that we shall be judged, even though we are saved? You know what you are!!! You that have accepted the Gift of God's mercy and grace, know exactly what you have been saved from; by Whom that you have been saved; and to what that you have been saved to become. There is no turning back from that!!! Okay, let me try and put it like this: Those that have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, have not been transformed into this New Creature in Christ; therefore, they shall be judged at the Great White Throne Judgement, meant for all those that are not written in The Lamb's Book of Life; however, all those that are written in The Lamb's Book of Life shall be judged at The Judgement Seat of Christ, and they shall be judged by what they did with the Knowledge that they had been given... Ouch... I feel like I need to be busy doing something for Jesus; How About You? I am thinking that Knowledge has a lot to do with talents... You think???

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