Sunday, September 11, 2011

"The Creature Empowered"

"If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the Gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister." (Colossians 1:23) Let's get this straight: sin is real, and it robs us of more than just fellowship with God; it takes away the strength that we have been given! It is so vitally important that we confess our sins daily, at the very least; more preferably, as soon as they are revealed to us, and we have had a chance to realize our trespass. The "If" that Paul is talking about here has to do with us being 'reconciled in Christ'; that we are to be presented holy, unblamable and unreprovable in His sight. Now what do you suppose that this has to do with confessing our sins? First off; we must realize how that we have been saved, from what that we have been saved, and to what end that we have been established; this is what Paul means by us to "continue in the faith grounded and settled". It must be settled in our hearts once and for all that we are His: I am a son of the King!!! Being grounded in what I believe goes beyond just being persuaded, it is belief that has a foundation, which cannot be moved; it can also mean that what I have my faith in, has been confirmed. Rightly so, the confirmation of what we believe has been established in the Word of God and within us, by the Holy Spirit. It is the Knowledge of the Truth that is our confirmation; not just what we have heard, or that which we have placed our faith in because we were told; but that upon believing, there was confirmation of what we have believed, in the form of Light and Truth (not a burning in our bosom). Secondly; having established these facts, we must continue in that which has been confirmed, by not being "moved away from the hope of the Gospel", which is the Salvation that we have in Christ, and is based upon the confession of our sins. Sin that is not confessed will weaken that which has been grounded and settled; not that that which has been grounded and settled becomes weak, but that our faith in it will be, because we, in our own minds continue in darkness. That is what sin that is revealed in us is: darkness that has been revealed by the Light; and if we continue to hold onto the darkness which has been revealed, then the Truth which was established within us will flee; thus, making us weak in our faith...

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