Thursday, September 8, 2011

"The Creature" part 6

So now that we might begin to see how God never changes, never makes mistakes, and never will undo anything that He has created, we must look at the man. God hates divorce, and as I have said in previous blogs, the reason that God hates divorce is because it is the separation of something which has been made into one. There is no way that you can separate something that is one without damaging what was created, which causes damage to the parts involved. However, there is another aspect of this equation that comes into play in the marriage of those that are His children, and that is the entanglement of Jesus Christ; when they divorce, who gets Jesus? That's a silly question, you might ask? But really, who goes away feeling justified and will continue in fellowship as if nothing is wrong in their life? Maybe neither one of them will ever be the same again; and rightly so, because they have taken something which was ordained before God and man, and discarded it as if it were something they made; when in reality, it was formed by God. Maybe that is a little piece of the equation that is so easily forgotten? "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh: so they are no more twain, but one flesh." (Mark 10:6-8) Whom do you think caused the twain to be one, was it the couple, or was it God? It was God!!! Who made the wood to decompose back into the soil? God! Or the flesh of this body to return to the dust? God, again! Do you see now what is meant by "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder"? Yes, or No??? That word asunder means to separate, or pull apart; and the word put, well, it actually means to place that which God has joined together into a category of something which can be separated; it is not to be considered! That my dear brothers and sisters is the problem we have been born into: that we have placed the consideration of divorce into the relationship of our marriage; always there, lurking in the back of our hearts and minds; waiting for a chance to be played, like an Ace in our pocket... God help us!!!

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