Monday, September 12, 2011

"The Creature Empowered" -2

As I was trying to sleep last, I was thinking about the thought about truth fleeing; it was a lot like my sleep fleeing me last night. What does it mean to have the truth flee us? It is not as though the Truth has gotten up and left, but more about our ability to find it, as if it has been darkened within our own mind. Tossing and turning all night long, I thought about a catchy way to explain grey, and how it is related to the grey matter within our skulls; thinking about the color grey being things which do not matter; or some such nonsense. He is either God, or He is not! That statement has no room for grey! I have heard it used for situations that involve trusting God for His promises; and it has been used accordingly so; but, what I was seeing last night dealt with empowerment, which requires knowledge of the Truth. "And Jesus said to those Jews which believed on Him, If ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31 & 32) There is no half-truth, just as there is no half-way, or half-life; and in order to know the truth we must accept the truth in it's entirety. To relate this to something that is easier to understand, I will try and illustrate what it is like to walk in such a way: picture if you will, trying to drive your car while standing outside of it; it is very difficult, to say the least, and going very fast, is definitely out of the question; God forbid that something should dart out in front of you, or that you would need to make a sudden turn to the left. If Jesus Christ as the Truth were that car, you would need to be seated inside, where you could have access to all of the controls that are available, and where you could be seated securely within the vehicle. In the effort to illustrate something as complex as Truth, I may have over simplified it a little; but my point has to do with how the Truth is either truth, or it is not; there is not half truth when it comes to our victory in Christ: He either has defeated sin, or He has not! You might say, Yes, but this sin that I am dealing with is not that big of a deal, why should I need to focus upon it? Well let me see (I wish I could draw something right now, because I am thinking of a little cartoon character the binoculars and big eyes pointed at you), if you are holding onto sin, no matter how small, then you are already focused upon it!!! No I am not! you might reply? Okay, let's just say for the sake of argument that you are not focused upon that little sin, and, as a matter of fact, you have hidden it somewhere deep within your mind; does it become a basis for victory or defeat? If you are wanting to try and hold onto sin, and still try and have Jesus be Lord of you life, then it is victory for the flesh; which will result in defeat. But, if you are holding onto that sin because you are not ready to let it go, then you are already defeated by that sin; which, as a child of the King, should not be so!!! Our power over sin, is because Jesus Christ was victorious over sin; all of our sins; each and every one! For us to walk in the empowerment of our adoption, we must walk as one who has been adopted into something that is powerful and mighty; not weak and lowly, as that we are. I am a son of the King!!! and as such, I must live as though I am...

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