Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"The Creature" part 5

I can't resist myself: And by the way, a carpenter made the cross!!! Anyways, about this thing called 'New'; as I said before, God does not make mistakes, and God does not undo anything; but what He does do, is He makes things New! Something I think we sometimes don't really get, this thing called New. New beginnings; new morning; new Life in Christ; they all have one thing in common: they are fresh and not known before, which makes them better because they are different. As I was reading Pastor Gene's study guide through Matthew this morning, I could not help but think of some of the people that have left our church; people that were caught in the movement to do a New Work, yet had not accepted the fact that a New Work would more than likely mean a change would have to take place in them. When God calls us to something that is bigger then ourselves, He is calling us to surrender All to Him; sometimes All might include some of our religious beliefs and practices; or maybe even some preconceived notions about Who He Is!!! I think part of the problem that people had in accepting Jesus as the Messiah, was that they were looking for a King, meaning, someone other than a carpenter. Yet, at that time, the only one who really took notice was Herod; and he did so because he felt his kingship was threatened. Isn't it ironic, sometimes it is the simplest things that cause us to take notice of what God is doing around us, yet the big picture of what He wants to do in us gets overlooked. And as soon as we feel that God is changing us we run away, or set out to stop what we think is going to change us. In all this matter that continues to change, there is still One thing that remains the same: God...

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