Monday, September 26, 2011

"The Joyful Heart"

I can only try to be unhappy for so long, and then I have to get back to joy. Really, it is very true; I will allow myself to be unhappy, for an allotted time only, and then it's back to joy. Some might wonder, why even bother being unhappy in the first place? Well, I guess that it is because I should have some way to express my pain; therefore, I will push any pain aside for so long, and when I feel the time is right, I let it out; why? Because in everything that I am facing, I choose joy; however, there comes a time when I am able, and dare I say, permitted to pour my heart out to God in a state of sadness. Do you think that is odd? Like, who does something like that? Well, I do it almost twice a year; but it is not something that I show to the world, nor do I ever intend to show it to my wife; but every once in awhile I forget and find myself crying over her. You might ask, how can you say that God is in control and yet have sadness? I guess I am just a man; and even though I feel the joy of the Lord in my heart day in and day out, there are still the harsh realities of this life that must be mourned over, at one point or another. Having said all of that, I must continue what I was saying about God being in control. If we know that God is in control of all that happens to us, then why shouldn't we count it all joy? What stops us from the ability to count it all joy is having our focus on the world instead of on God. If I wanted a time that I could go back to, then that time would be what ruled my heart; and we know how unlikely it is to go back in time; so then, why bother trying to get there? If I wished for something else to be happening in my life, then that something else, and the fact that it is not mine, would steal my joy; so then, why not be joyful in what I have been given? It really does come down to our belief in God; not just that there is a God, but that He loves us and wants only the very best for us. Your very best may not be my very best, and so on; but everyone of us have our own cross to bare; and if it was alright for Jesus to weep for a half hour or so, then I think it is okay for me to do it also; once in awhile... "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)

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