Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ISAIAH 55:5 - "The Tree Of Grace"

"Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee," (Isaiah 55:5a) I remember working on yesterdays post Sunday, and when I asked the Lord to give me an opening verse, He lead me to Matthew 13:31; 'The Parable of the Mustard Seed'. I really did not know why, which is one reason that I did not share that post on Monday, but instead did it yesterday. Even when I started the posting yesterday, I still did not have the meaning of that connection; that was the reason for the question marks. Again, this morning, while praying, the Lord has shown me something even more spectacular about this little seed, and the parable Jesus was speaking; God is so amazing! Do you know what a tree produces? Besides becoming a place where birds can hang out; it makes seeds! Have you ever wondered how a plant or tree gets started in your yard? You wake up one morning and go outside, and here is this tree starting; there may not be another one like it, anywhere around, but here it is in your yard. It is the birds! The birds bring the seeds from one place to another. Maybe they might have accidentally dropped the seed while flying over; or maybe they landed, and then spit the seed out, because they found something better. Maybe, just maybe, they actually planted the seed in the ground, so that it would provide for them later, because their nest is nearby; I'm just saying... You have to be able to see the magnitude of what is happening here in John chapter 4. After the woman leaves her waterpot to go tell all the people of her city about Jesus; they all come to see the Christ. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of men walking through the valley below and then up the hillside, coming from the city to see the Christ; and on their heads were white turbans; hundreds and thousands of little white covered heads approaching the hill where Jesus was at the well. This was the typical head wear for the men of Samaria; the common man wore a plan white covering; while those in leadership wore stripped or solid colored coverings, which specified who they were. But here were all these white covered heads making their way through the valley and then up the mountainside, to meet Jesus. When Jesus said to the woman back in verse 22: "Ye worship ye know not what", He meant it to apply for that moment in time only; because she now understood who she worshipped; and she worshipped Jesus. This was more than just a little seed planted; this was the Harvest. Instantly there was a growth from the form of a seed, to a mighty harvest; which is why Jesus started verse 35 like this: "Say not ye, There are four months, and then cometh the harvest?". This would be the typical way things would work; you plant a seed, the seed gets watered, the seed grows into a plant, and then when the time is right, you harvest; but that was not the case here. In this instance, the seed was not even able to hit then ground; it was taken instantly into the city, and then, walla, the harvest. Then as Jesus stood by the well, speaking to His disciples about things that they really did not understand, they could all see the men of Samaria coming towards them. Jesus continues in verse 35: "Behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."

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