Monday, March 15, 2010

ISAIAH 55:3 - "Real Living"

"Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and has given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; " (Ephesians 5:1-3) I need to be serious for a moment; Why? Because this is serious stuff we are dealing with. What we need to be about living, is for Jesus; this is our reasonable service. We need to quit living for ourselves, and start living for Him. In Jesus we have eternal life! What is the Grace of God that has been poured out for us? It is Jesus!!! Right about now, you might be thinking, "How can this be?". In Jesus is the Godhead fully. In Him was everything created; and nothing that was, or will be, was not made by Him; the Father has established it that way. We need to be living for Him and begin walking in the authority that He has given us. Yes, I said authority! When our souls are living for and long to be in His presence, and when we are filled with the Holy Spirit; then there are now two against one; and guess who the one is that get defeated; it is the flesh. You may have noticed that I have been sharing a lot about God's Perfect Will, and about making the right choices; it is really quite simple: We must choose Life; real life; and that life is in Christ. Why are so many Christians falling away? Why is the divorce rate among Christians the same as the world? Why are our children so confused about the Truth? Could it be that so many of us are not really living for Christ? Could it be that the reason we are not living completely for Him, is that we are trapped in living for ourselves? All things have been established in Jesus Christ, and to begin to experience Real Living, we must establish our hearts in Him. He is standing at the door, knocking, waiting for us to open the door and actually let Him in; not to just open the door and fellowship; but to actually let Him in and take up residence; and then let Him clean house. We really can not experience what Real Living in the Kingdom of God is until we do that! What is the Living Water that flows from God's throne, into us, and through us? It is Jesus!!! He must flow through us, like the blood within our veins; because in Him is Life, just like our blood is life to our flesh; He is Life to our souls. Now, let me talk about something a little harder than 'unforgiveness'. It is called: 'Making provision for the flesh'; and it is a more deadly cancer to our walk than unforgiveness; period. What does it mean to make provision for the flesh? Well, let me ask this: What does it mean to make provision for your family? It is not to be providing for their current needs; but rather to stock up for them in the event something were to happen to you. Do you see the ramification of what I am saying? When we make provision for the flesh, we are putting something away, that we may use it when we need it. In other words; there is something which causes us to sin, which we know we must avoid; but yet, we have hidden it away somewhere just in case we want it later. Remember what I said before: 'We always want to hold onto something'; it is only natural; but we must choose to become supernatural. Jesus wants us to give it all away; all means all. Satan is called the accuser of the brethern, and he is called that for a reason. Not only does he accuse us before God, but he accuses us to ourselves. If we still have things hidden away, for that rainy day; he will bring it out and use it against us. He will actually be able to hinder our walk; How? Because even though he is a liar, when he accuses us in these things, he is not; and we will know it. Therefore, when we put those things out of our lives for good, we can stand boldly before our accuser, and say: "You are a liar; be gone!". When the apostle Paul said, "Let it not once be named among you"; he meant that it should not be named by anyone, anything, or even of ourselves. "Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David."

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