Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ISAIAH 55:2 - "Hearken Diligently"

"And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and hid myself." (Gen 3:9 & 10)
Hearken Diligently: To hear intelligently (with attention or obedience); To give undivided listening attention. Our natural tendency is to want to hide our sin; from God, from others, and even from ourselves. This is what Adam did in the garden after he had sinned and discovered that he was naked. Not only was he hiding from God, but he had made a covering for his body out of fig leaves, that his nakedness would be covered. Then when he heard the voice of God, he tried to hid from God; why? Because he had just become a natural sinner. In other words, his natural man had just been transformed from that of Holiness, to that of sinfulness. Let's try and see how this is relevant to our lives, as we look again at unforgiveness. Again, I will say; this is really quite simple, if we choose to see it; but basically what we must do is surrender; Surrender how? We must give everything over to God; give it all. But our natural tendency is to hold onto something; and when God revels to us that there is something we need to surrender, then we must listen. Unfortunately, we also have a tendency to only hear what we want to hear. Okay, let me try another direction: What caused the sin? Let me ask this: Was eating the fruit the sin, or was it the desire to eat the fruit? The original sin was the desire to eat the fruit; eating the fruit was just the fruit of the sin, (no pun intended). Okay; Let's look back at our friend from yesterday; the one who could not forgive little, even after being forgiven much. I am thinking that the reason for his lack of ability to forgive, is because he did not understand the magnitude of the forgiveness he had been given. When the king forgave him of his debt, he not only forgave his debt, but the king forgave his service towards that debt; in other words, he no longer had to be in bondage to the debtfulness. Not getting it yet? Okay, let me try another angle; Jesus said that if we hate our brother, we have committed murder. The sin of murder has already occurred in our heart; so what that means, is that the sin is a condition of the heart. Eve really eat the apple as soon as she saw that it was good; because God had said it was bad. God said, "In the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die."; that sounds pretty bad to me. But the moment Eve saw that it was good, sin occurred; Why did she see it was good?; Because of a lie, "Thou shalt not surely die". And then all of the sudden, "Eeeuuuwww"; it became desirable to eat; that is when the sin occurred, eating the apple just fulfilled that desire. Now please try and follow what I am saying; "Hearken Diligently". What Jesus died for on the cross was that sin nature; that desire in our hearts to do the sin. Before His death on the cross, all the blood sacrifices that were offered only dealt with the fruit of the sin; they were just a covering for sin. But the Blood of Jesus has dealt with the fallen nature of man; the heart of man. There was a new creation that has taken place, and that desire to sin against God has been dealt with. Okay; maybe you still do not see? Let me try again; That unforgiveness that you have in your heart is not really there! Say What? What kind of hockus-pockus are you talking about? you might be saying. We are a new creation in Christ Jesus; the old things have passed away, and all things are new. In this newness that we are to occupy, there is no unforgiveness; and if we are experiencing any unforgiveness, it is because we are dwelling in the old. (Yes, No, Maybe So) "Wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat that which is good, and let you soul delight itself in fatness."

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