Sunday, March 21, 2010

ISAIAH 55:3 - "The Breach Of Uzzah"

"My flesh trembleth for fear of Thee; and I am afraid of Thy judgements." (Psalms 119:120) In 2 Samuel chapter 6, we see the story of when David brought the Ark of God into Zion, (The City of David, or Jerusalem). To fully understand what happen to David's heart through this ordeal, we need to understand David's heart. He was a man in Love with God; and because he was so in Love with God, much of what David did, he wanted to do for God. In other words, he wanted God's Perfect Will for his life and for God's people. So he sought to be lead by God in all that he did; most of the time that is. In the case of moving the Ark to Zion, he was doing God's Perfect Will, he just did not do it perfectly; at least not at first. When he first set out to move the Ark, he tried to move it as if it was a piece of furniture. His heart was in the right place, it was his brain that was a little off; for he really did not think this all the way through. The first mistake he made was to not consult God's Law, regarding the moving of the Ark. In God's word, He says specifically that the Ark is to be carried by hand, not on a cart; and that it is to be carried using the staves, so no one will touch it. When Uzzah touched the Ark and died instantly, (verses 6 & 7), he died because he breached God's command. God had established this rule for a reason; for the Ark was to be looked upon as a symbol of God's Holiness, His Mighty Deliverance, His Promises to His people, His Provisions, and His Love. It's contents were the tablets on which the Law was written, a jar of Manna, and Arron's staff that budded. When David saw Uzzah had died for just touching the Ark to stable it, verse 8 says' "And David's heart was displeased, because the Lord had made a breach upon Uzzah: and he called the name of the place Perez-uzzah to this day"; perez means 'to break, or breach'. In actuality, the breach was against God and His statutes, not God's breach against Uzzah. In verse 9, we see that David was afraid of God, and really did not want anything else to do with the Ark. In his heart, he felt that he really had not heard from God in the first place, regarding bringing the Ark to Zion; and his heart was very displease that God would have had Uzzah die while just trying to serve God; all because he had not really heard from God. In verses 11-15, we see David's heart change from not wanting anything to do with the Ark, to wanting to do God's perfect will again. When he was told in verse 12, how Obed-edom and all his household was blessed by God because they had possession of the Ark, he immediately wanted to go get it and bring it into 'The City of David'; not because it would bring with it God's blessing upon the city, but because it was God's will; he realized that he had previously actually heard rightly from God, he had just moved out wrongly. This time he would do it right! This time he would not treat the Ark like a piece of furniture, but instead would treat it as Holy, the way God intended it to be treated. It says in verse 14, that David danced before the Lord with all his might; he didn't just dance, he danced hard; why?; because he so excited to be doing God's Perfect Will. This was not just a moving party anymore; this was now a ceremony of God's Awesome Power, Might and Holiness. This was a celebration of God's Love!!! And David was so in love with God! When his wife Michal saw him through the window as he entered the city, (verse 16), to says that the saw him leaping and dancing before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart; why?; because she saw just how much David loved God and she was jealous. In verse 20, she came out and meet David, and being motivated by jealousy, says: "How glorious was the King of Israel today, who uncovered himself today in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself !" To which David replied: "It was before the Lord, which chose me before thy father, and before all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord, over Israel: therefore will I play before the Lord. And I will yet be more vile than thus, and will be base in mine own sight: and for the maidservants which thou hast spoken of, of them shall I be had in honor." ...A Man After God's Own Heart...

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