Sunday, March 7, 2010


"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." (Romans 12:1) As we begin verse 2 of Isaiah 55, the word which comes first is the word 'wherefore', which is much like the word 'therefore'; wherein any time that we see these words in a verse, we must ask, "what is it there for?". With regards to Isaiah 55:2, the wherefore is really not a therefore, because the word therefore would usually establish a previous statement, fact or idea; but within the text here in Isaiah, this wherefore does more than just reinforce a previous point or thought; no this wherefore is more like: "WHATSAMATTERYOU". In other words, the point being made here is a question: 'So why then, having so freely been given so much that really satisfies, do you spend your money and your labour on that which does not?'. WHY? This is a good question; but when asking it, we may also want to consider, WHAT? ; for in reality, the reason most of us do not fervently seek and serve the Lord, is because of the what. So what are the whats that can be a reason for our misguided ways? Let's consider some and see if there could be any answers: How about unbelief? Could that be a reason for not walking in the fullness of God's Glorious Grace? It is possible; but if that could be the reason, I would say a person might want to revisit the cross. Because we can not say we believe Jesus came, died on the cross for our sins, rose on the third day, and ascended up into heaven; and then not believe He wants to complete a work in us also. How about laziness? Could that be the reason for not walking in the fullness of God's Marvelous Grace? It might be; but if it is the reason, I would say a person might want to read the parable of the talents to understand what laziness is worth. How about fear? Could that be the reason for not walking in the fullness of God's Powerful Grace? Fear of what?; because if we know what a mighty God we serve, then what are we afraid of. But if fear is the reason, then I would say to read the Letters to the Seven Churches, and then ask yourself, "Of what should I fear?". Okay, maybe we should switch gears, and ask a different kind of question. Could we say that we do not have access? No, I don't think that could work at all, because every believer has the same access to God's Abundant Grace. Could we say that we are not worthy? No, I don't think that should work, because Jesus has made it so that God's Grace is Unconditional. Okay, How about; Could we say that we were unaware? No, I really do not think that would work, because once we received Christ, we received God's Spirit in us, and He has made known in us, what is God's Everlasting Grace. How about we get serious and ask ourselves the real questions? Like maybe, just maybe; Could it be that we chosen not to walk in the fullness of God's Loving Grace? When we take a look at the opening verse from Paul's letter to Rome; there is a 'Therefore' at the start of this verse; this is however really a therefore, and is stating a point of fact; in other words, 'That because of what Paul has been saying, we must do what he is saying we should do'; got that? I would recommend you read chapters 9, 10 & 11; if you really want to understand what the whole point behind the 'Therefore' is; because he actually begins this point after concluding the great point he made in chapter 8; "That nothing can separate us from the Love of God". As we go forward in this study, I pray that God will cause in us the desire to be transformed. I hope and pray that I do not offend anyone, or cause anyone to not follow along; but I am praying more than anything that I do not hold back from speaking, (typing), what God puts upon my heart. "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect Will of God." (Romans 12:2)

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