Friday, March 12, 2010

ISAIAH 55:2 - "Let Your Soul Delight in Fatness"

"How excellent is Thy lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings. They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house; and Thou shalt make them drink of the River of Thy pleasures. For with Thee is the Fountain Of Life: In Thy Light shall we see Light." (Psalms 36:7-9) What is the fatness that our souls should delight in? Is it not the Abundant Grace of God? When God pours out His Grace for us, He has not held back; it is mightily abundant; beyond our imagination. Not only does He want us to have enough to experience Him, but He wants us to experience Him to the fullest. Before we move forward in this chapter of Isaiah, there are a few things we must establish in our hearts. First, we must understand that not only has God set us free from sin, but He has set us free from the sin nature; and not only has He set us free from the sin nature, but He has given in us the ability to start living towards the Glory we will have in Him. Again, lets look at our friend that was forgiven much; but this time, lets consider the what if. What if he had forgiven his fellow servant, as he was created to do. In so doing, he would have actually given life to the freedom that he had received. This is what the Living Water is all about. When we forgive others, we are actually reinforcing the forgiveness that we have been given. Had our friend, when he had found his fellow servant, actually forgiven him of the debt he was owed, he would have: One, been a testimony of the forgiveness that he had been given; Two, experienced the gift of giving forgiveness; Three, blessed the king by living out the forgiveness the king had given him; and the chain of events could go on and on. For example: the fellow servant could have felt the need to forgive someone; or maybe even, as I said before, the king could have rewarded him for his kindness towards his fellow servant, and sent him a check. This again is how the Living Water works; it flows into us and then through us. As it is flowing through us, it refreshes us, more and more. How much of God do you want to experience? I will bet you, right here and now, that it is not as much as He wants you to have! If you begin to look at the great lengths that He has gone through to prepare a perfect place for us, you could barely begin to understand how much He loves us, and how He wants the very, very best for us; for all eternity. One last thing we must establish in our hearts, if you haven't already; What is the Perfect Will of God? It is His Amazing Grace! What is His Amazing Grace? It is the Living Water! What is the Living Water? It is that which we live out in our lives! What do we live out in our lives? I think you know...

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