Monday, March 8, 2010

ISAIAH 55:2 - "Thou Art The Man"

"Therefore speak I in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand." (Matthew 13:13) Again: Could it be that we have chosen not to walk in the fullness of God's Grace? YES; I think that could be the main reason for our misguided walk in Him. We may not think it is; nor may we have planned for it to be that way; but that is what it has come to. The children of Israel did not plan to be worshipping idols when they wanted to have an earthly king instead of the King of Kings, but that is what they ended up doing. Hezekiah did not plan to become a man obsessed with the things of this world when he begged God to let him live longer, but that is what he ended up with in his heart. A man may not have set out to commit adultery when he puts away the wife of his youth because he does not love her anymore, but that is what he would end up doing. Just like we, who are putting anything else before God, or before His perfect will for our lives, did not plan to hinder God's grace from being poured out into our lives, but that is what has happen. We have chosen to let it happen; and we have done so by the choices we have made. Let's start evaluating this question a little bit, say with something that does not hurt too much; something like unforgiveness; that seems like one of the easiest things to look at. If we have made a choice in our hearts not to forgive someone for the wrong they may have committed towards us, then we have in essence, made a choice not to walk in God's Perfect Will for our life; which means, we will not experience the fullness of His Grace, no matter how hard we may try otherwise. The reason for this occurrence is really pretty simple; but it is not easy to see, or to understand; that is unless we have chosen to see it. Therein is the root of the problem; we fail to see that it is so; thus the reason for Jesus to speak in parables, and also for His declaration at the end of each letter to the seven churches: "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches". This goes back to that 'ear of the mind' & 'eye of the heart' thing I shared about before; the reason God had Adam name all the animals, and which part of the brain is utilized in doing such a thing. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about; you may be familiar with the story; it is found in 2 Samuel chapters 11 & 12. David had sinned against God by taking another man's wife and then having that man murdered to try and cover his transgression. Then God sends Nathan to confront David about what he has done; and Nathan pours out a scenario before David. Because David was raised as a Sheppard, and knew a few things about sheep, what Nathan spoke was able to take root in his heart; David was actually able to see with the 'eyes of his heart', as he began to hear with the 'ears of his mind'. Here is a summary of what Nathan said: "There were two men in one city; one was rich, and the other was poor. The rich man had flocks and herds, more than he knew what to do with; while the poor man just had one little ewe lamb, which he had brought up in his house as one of the family, and was actually to him as a little daughter. And then the rich man had a guest travel to his home, and instead of taking from his own abundant herds or flocks, took the poor man's little lamb, killed it, cooked it, and feed it to his guest". David was furious and wanted to know who this man was so that he could kill him; he exclaimed: "As the Lord liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely die: And he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing, and because he had no pity." To which Nathan answered; "Thou art the man". David was convicted, and his heart was changed in an instant; because the eyes of his heart were made to see by the opening of the ears of his mind. Let me repeat that first definition that I gave for the word "Ho": 'Listen up and prepare to apply what I am going to say to your very life'. This is so vital for us to do as Believers. We must approach God's word as if it is food for our very lives; as if He is going to be speaking directly into us, about us, and for our benefit. Otherwise we are just reading stories and illustrations about others, or into other peoples life, but failing to apply His word to our own. When we do this, we are actually wasting our time; or better put: "Wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread?"

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