Friday, March 5, 2010

ISAIAH 55:1 - "The Promise = GRACE"

"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him." (John 4:23) "Come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy Wine and Milk without money and without price". (Isaiah 55:1b) God's Mercy is His assurance that we have not gotten what we deserved; Jesus shed His blood on the cross to provide this Mercy for us; which then made way for God's Grace to be poured out. God's Grace is His promise, His provision, and His pleasure, to bestow upon us everything that we do not deserve. This is His delight; He wants nothing more than that we would come, taste and see that He is good. His desire for us, is that we would delight ourselves in Him; that our souls would be delighted in the fatness of all He has to offer; that we would not want, or have need of anything, ever, ever, ever again; EVER! How do we receive this Grace? We must accept it! That is all there is to it; there is nothing else that is required for us to do. The moment I believed and asked for the forgiveness of my sins, His Mercy was granted, because of the blood of Jesus on that cross. And then, in that moment His Grace kicked in, and I became a Child of God. Just like that; He reached down and saved me; pulling me out of my fallen state, and into His Glorious Kingdom:
and His Kingdom is goooooood! As a child of such a loving and giving God, everyday is like another birthday in Him; where everyday He wants to present another gift to us, that we can open and experience something new in Him; He loves it, and He delights in it. This is the heart of God: that we would take pleasure in the things of Him. Everyday that we are here on this earth, is another day closer to the Fullness of His Marvelous Grace. If you doubt what I am saying, try this: Take the time to read Revelation 21:1 - 22:5; and as you are reading this text, imagine that you are there, experiencing each and everything that is being described. This is The New Jerusalem , The New Heaven and The New Earth; if you think being grafted into the family of God did not matter much, think again. Everything about this new city is all about the promise given to Abraham; but you read it for yourself, and apply yourself to the vision that is created in your mind; I dare you... Taste and See that God is Good!!! Let God fill you with His Spirit and write His Word upon your heart; and see if your life will ever be the same. Remember, that each day, we draw closer, (and these days are flying by rather fast lately); but each and everyday as we draw closer, He wants us to see this Kingdom more clearly; He delights in it...

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