Saturday, March 6, 2010


" And He said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son." (Revelation 21:6 & 7) If I was going to write a book about what it was I feel God is speaking to me about in this chapter of His Word, I would name the title of that book: "THE DARE". Before we venture any further, and move onto verse 2, I thought we should review some things that have been established thus far. The most important thing we must remember, is that God has created us with a will, and with this will that we have, is the ability to make choices. We can choose to love, or not to love; to obey, or not to obey; to forgive, or not to forgive; to serve, or not to serve; and we can choose to come to the Waters, or not to come to the Waters. This is how God has established our hearts, so that what we do towards Him, for Him and in Him, is not because we are forced to, but because we want to; with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. Secondly, we must remember that because we have a choice in every decision we make, that sometimes we make the wrong choices; sometimes we do not make the choice towards God, but instead we choose based upon what our flesh desires. There are consequences to the choices we make, and in all that we do we must know that God will complete in us what He has started; it is just that sometimes the road we choose can be a lot rougher than the one He would have chosen for us. As I have stated within the process of this study, as well as in the process of the study in Ephesians; there are two different types of Believers, or better put; there are two different levels of belief. One has the desire to experience as much of what God has to offer, as is humanly possible; this I would call the 'Glorified Christian'. The other would just be satisfied with being forgiven of their sins, and leaving it at that; where there is not really a desire within them to thirst for more of God; this I would call the 'Forgiven Christian'. Both of these individuals have access to the same amount of God's Grace, and to the resources of the Living Water; but both do not make the same choices. I would liken the flow of God's Grace to a water faucet, (they did not have faucets in the day this was written, otherwise Isaiah might have used it as an illustration). On the supply side of this faucet is the same amount of God's Grace; there is a constant source available, and it has the same amount of pressure, no matter how wide you open the valve. We have a choice to approach this faucet and open it just enough to squeak by, or to open it wide and be blessed beyond measure; it is our choice. God would have us come to the water and want as much as possible; He is gracious that way, because He wants us to experience as much of Him as we possibly can. God is not a respecter of persons, but again, He gives us all the right to choose. Isaiah is declaring in this chapter a dare; a dare to us that are believers to see just how much God wants to poor out to us of His Living Water. This is also the same thing which Jesus is doing to the seven churches in Revelation 2 & 3. I have another definition I wanted to share for the word 'Ho', and it is this: "He that hath an ear, let him hear". God, please cause us to be able to hear what you are saying to each and everyone of us. Open the ears of our minds, and the eyes of our hearts; that our very souls can experience your truths. Amen

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