Tuesday, August 15, 2023

"Preserve and Protect"

 "While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled." (John 17:12 KJV)

  "They say, "Get an evil person to turn against him. Send an accuser to bring him to trial. When his case comes up for judgment, let him be pronounced guilty. Count his prayers as sins. Let his years be few; let someone else take his position."" (Psalm 109:6-8 NLT)

 Just in case you didn't understand what that was all about yesterday, it involves the lost people, that you thy might be lost, wicked, or under a spell; they should never be counted as condemned. We have no clue as to who God will call or choose; anyone can be saved, even the worst of sinners. Those that you might see, in whatever condition, or in whatever place, they have the same opportunity as you had; because God does not show favoritism when it comes to salvation!  

 As it is, I have friends and acquaintances that are Mormons, J.W.s, and even real worldly in nature; but I still love them, even though I might not like where they are or what they might be. Looking at myself, I can hardly like the man that I once was, but, for the grace of God, my heart has been changed; and still needs more changing, even much more, the closer I get towards the end of this life!  

 As to the Scripture today, my heart is touched a bit over this; as it is, Jesus called this, so called, "son of perdition," yet he was lost. It is not that he was thrown aside, because Jesus did give him plenty of opportunities to change his heart. But if the Scriptures have you tagged a certain way, it appears that you really don't have a choice. 

 This much I know, if you cannot love others, or you refuse to try to do what is right towards a brother or sister, then you really need to check yourself or you might wreck yourself! You have a choice! No matter what you might think or how much you might feel you are good enough; if you hate your fellowman, then you are the same as this, "son of perdition." 

 It might not seem fair, but this really isn't a contest to outdo anyone; it is about you leaning how to love and care for one another, because we are all one! Yesterday I messed up, three times! If I could take it back, I would; but I lost my temper in Disneyland, being shuffled around, while pushing my wife in her wheelchair. 

 The first time was because of the parade, which I didn't care about all that much, because it was all about magic and witchcraft; but I was trying to keep my wife out of the sun, and they kept telling me I couldn't stay here, or I must move over there; everywhere put where she would be safe and secure. If I needed to get her out of the sun, I needed to go into a shop and buy something. 

 The second time was after the parade, as it was dispersed, the crowds were being moved from one side to the other. As it was, just in normal traffic I found it hard to navigate between people, and almost found it impossible to stay walking in a straight line. Imagine what it was like to be forced into a crowd where there was no space between people. I almost wished we were still under the old covid laws, six feet between people! 

 The third time, I gave up, leaving the park and heading out, hating Disneyland all together! I kept on thinking about how we were treated, and how they really didn't have any respect for the disabled. Then I started to think, maybe they just don't care because I took it upon myself to bring her into a place where she didn't belong; after all, there is only two rides she can get on; and even those, you need tell them a certain time you will be ridding them. 

 However, that all changed as I was pushing her back to the RV Park. When we went over the bridge, at the 5 Freeway, the sun was setting, and I stopped to enjoy the beautiful sky, just my wife and me. It reminded me of being with the one that I loved, thinking about how much I missed doing things that we once did. Then I noticed she was moving her head from side to side, trying to keep track of the cars below. I felt a peace and a certain joy, I had been missing, for quite some time. 

 Pray for me, if you think about us. I know God has something special in all of this, I just don't really know what it is! But I do know this: I am never going to stop taking care of her; one of us either has to die first, or Jesus is going to snatch us both off of this earth...

"Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. For there is one body, one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all." (Ephesians 4:1-6 NLT)

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