Friday, April 7, 2023

"Of Uncertain Affinity"

 "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." (John 14:1 KJV)

 "Declare me innocent, O God! Defend me against these ungodly people. Rescue me from these unjust liars. For you are God, my only safe haven. Why have you tossed me aside? Why must I wander around in grief, oppressed by my enemies? Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them led me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live. There I will go to the alter of God, to God - the source of all joy. I will praise you with my harp, O God, my God! Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again - my Savior and my God!" (PSALM 43 NLT)

 There is quite a lot of chatter about the title I have mentioned today, as it appears that there is some very 'strong' disagreement as to the origin of the interpretation. Well, pretty deep subject, is only the half of what is going on with this, so called, 'phrase that has been pulled out of a hat.' 

 If you really want to see where this is given the light of day, Psalm 43 is a perfect example of this, that, or whatever, floats your boat! Basically, there is only easy way to describe how this might work, or not workout; two magnets that are pulled towards each other, and retracking away from each other, based upon where they are at! 

 Having some real-life examples, I can say with confidence, confidence is only phantom; a figment of one's imagination! You cannot hold onto it, because there is nothing around you that is firm enough, that you can see, to hold onto! Which is the whole point of FAITH! We do not see, but we still must trust and believe; therefore, that which we must hold onto is FAITH! 

 Super easy stuff, this faith of ours! What makes it so easy is that we have God's Word to prove that it is real, uncontested, and infallible. There is really nothing else that comes close to the Living Word of God; as He speaks to us through it, He proves Himself in it, and He shows us the life-lessons of those that have gone before us. What more do we need? Signs and wonders? 

 Okay, let's just say for a moment that signs and wonders are actually a thing that you think is going to make you believe more: What will you do with any sign or wonder? There it is, but where did it go? Filed away in your head, as, 'Wow, that was awesome,' and then it isn't! Where did it go? Like Peter walking on the water, 'Wow, this is awesome!' and then, "Help, Lord!" 

 Do you need anymore examples, because there are many! Simple is the best: "Keep it simple, stupid!" God said it, I believe it, and that settles it...

"Then Job spoke again: "My complaint today is still a bitter one, and I try hard not to groan aloud. If only I knew where to find God, I would go to his court. I would lay out my case and present my arguments. Then I would listen to his reply and understand what he says to me."" (Job 23:1-5 NLT)  

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