Monday, December 23, 2019

"Sure Preservation"

"Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape." (Psalms 141:10)

  Before I get too carried away on this, let me just say that there are only a few things that can cause us to be discouraged enough to want to give up; tribulation is not one of them! I know that there are some out there that will disagree with that observation; but if you are truly trusting in the Lord to get you through, the storm only makes you hold onto Him harder. But don't take my word for it, because that is something you need to live through on your own to really understand how it works. As for this verse, as with most of the Psalms, there is somewhat of a summary, exclamation, or climax that is given in that last verse, as to show what the main point was or how it should be sung. These are songs, each and every one of them were written to be sung and used for worship. Matthew Henry makes an effort to express how and why each Psalm should be sung; and for this, his commentary is stating: "The mercy and grace of God are as necessary to us as they were to him, and therefore we should be humbly earnest for them in singing this psalm." There is one major thing that we must go away remembering, that faith is only realized when it is tested; if you cannot verify that the faith you have is real, then how are you able to exercise it and get stronger in it? When praying for the preservation from evil, it is important that we understand evil will still exist; both in our hearts and in the world around us. I was laughing at something Nancy Pelosi said when confronted by a reporter on why she hates President Trump; see was totally offended and stated how she doesn't hate anyone, because she is Catholic and only has love in her heart. If only she could see herself speaking to that reporter, because if that wasn't a brief demonstration for hate, I really don't know what it was; if she would have had a gun, she might have shot him. As I said before, evil comes in many shapes and sizes; we don't have any control over it, if we cannot yield to the Spirit when He speaks. As much as I would love to say that I have it all under control, as soon I am willing to say that, I will become totally out of control! We must remember that our strength comes from the Lord, not from ourselves. As soon as we start counting on our own strength, we are walking on very thin ice, to say the least. The first thing about what is being said, is that we cannot stop evil from happening; plain and simple, it is something that cannot be done, because it is all around and within every one of us. What we can do, just as David is showing us here, is to pray earnestly for God to intervene, both within and without. This is not a onetime prayer, to pray once and it's done. Just like we constantly need God's mercy and grace in our lives, so too we constantly need to be preserved from the evil of this fallen world. It is a lot like the Manna from Heaven; it must be gathered every morning, because if you try and use what you gathered yesterday, it is hardly any good. As soon as we start counting on what we might think we know or have learned, we miss the opportunity to experience what God is teaching us now. It is really all about surrender; because true surrender means that you have no control...

"The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh to his stead." (Proverbs 11:8)

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