Saturday, December 14, 2019

"Making Peace with God"

"LORD, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee." (Psalms 141:1)

  Sometimes we just need to clear the air, asking for a chance to plead our case; if there is something that we feel needs to be said on our behalf; because chances are, we need to learn something! But isn't that how it works! It just doesn't matter what I might be going through or how hard I might think the trial is, once I cry out to God and start complaining about whatever it is, it isn't long before I realize that that my cries are pretty pathetic. Not that I have any control over the pain or anything like that, because it is really all just about perspective and our level of relationship with God. When we are being attacked or going through something that gives us any level of pain, our first thought is to wonder what we might have done to deserve whatever it is we are going through. Was it something I did? or maybe, it was something I didn't do? To be perfectly honest, if we didn't do something that God prompted us to do, we did something: we sinned! Yes, I am sorry to inform you; if you do not do what God wants you to do, it is the same as us doing what God does not want us to do; either way, we are not doing what God wants. That is what it means to be a servant of the Lord: you do what He wants you to do; which includes doing what He wants, and not doing what He says not to do. Wow, what a concept! It is really more about respect, as in, giving the Lord the respect He deserves; especially if you are asking Him to give you His attention! This is pretty much David's heart in the plea being made, because there is so many things that we need to feel bad about not doing, it is only natural to plead that God would listen, even though we might feel unworthy of His attention. There is many that make this out to be written when David was dealing with Saul and the issues of being hunted down; something that would make anyone suspect of where they might stand with God. But, it is all meaningless and totally useless, once we come clean with God! When we are feeling as though He does not hear us, it is then we need to cry out the more! We must never walk away in anguish or dismay; but we must cry out more, pleading and asking for Him to hear our cries! It is really quite simple to understand, that there is nothing He wants us to do more, than to cry out to Him for help; after all, He is our Heavenly Father...

"O God, be not far from me: O God, make haste for my help." (Psalms 71:12)

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