Saturday, December 21, 2019

"But, Trust in God"

"But mine eyes are unto thee, O God, the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute." (Psalms 141:8)

   As funny as it might sound, this life does have meaning and gives us something to believe in; because we can see God's hand of redemption, if we are so inclined to look beyond the gloom and the despair. As to the closing yesterday, if you might have noticed, I choose my words as I was led to say them; as it is, we must still love this world, but it must be in line with God's love; because if we do not love those who are lost, we will not have the compassion in our hearts to reach out to them and try and convince them how much they need Jesus! Look at the words in John 3:16, as it says, "For God so loved the world," it actually is talking about God's love for His creation, which was this place He made for you and for me, that we would love and cherish Him, our Creator. I was listening to Pastor Mike yesterday, as he was speaking about what Heaven might look like. Oddly enough, he said that that place we will actual be spending eternity in will be more like this earth, but better. I have thought about it, some days really hard; but there are certain things I believe will be amazingly different; for one, will be the fact that there will be no need for the sun, because the light we need will come from God Himself. That alone tells me that there is going to be something totally different about where we are going to spend eternity! I know that there a many things that might not make sense; but if you really stop and think about it, we only need to hold onto the things that do make sense, for those are the things that matter. No one needs to tell me that I am a sinner, because it is pretty obvious that is so; so, when it comes to needing a Savior, I really have no argument that I do. Add to that, the fact that God knows what I need to be fixed, and that He provided His own Son to make it happen: Why would I not choose to accept His free gift? Everything else, both before and after that, I really don't need to know every single particular aspect of how it all works; I just need to believe and accept God's gift, and hold onto Jesus with all of my might! Besides, it is my soul that I must be looking after, just as it is God's concern over also. Anything that we might be going through, whether it be life threatening or we are totally healed, none of that matters a single bit in eternity. Oh, we might have a few more years, but in the long run, our eyes need to be upon the Lord, because whenever He is, that is where I want to end up. To be crystal clear, the real preservation from evil, is found in where my soul might end up, not in how this body is preserved; this body is gong to be replaced with a new one; a glorious one. Besides, what were the commandments of Jesus; were they not: Love God and love one another! (Lord, please help me love as you love; because I cannot do it without you!) Amen...

""If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth in you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."" (John 14:15-18)

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