Monday, December 9, 2019

"Certain Destruction"

"Let burning coals fall upon them: let them be cast into the fire; into deep pits, that they rise not up again." (Psalms 140:10)

  Just so you know, David was not just a king, and a preacher, he was also a prophet. I grew up with something like this kind of scene hanging over my head; actually, we even had illustrated books that gave this exact picture, showing rocks on fire falling from the sky and the earth opened up with fire down below. I believe the book was called, "Paradise Lost," which was one of the books us children were made to read; or at least see the pictures. The nightmares I had as a kid, some hard really hard to explain. One in particular was of my step-dad taking all four of us kids out on the driveway, stuffing our mouths with newspaper, and lighting us on fire. Talk about weird; the J.W. religion is one that has no guarantees of redemption, and with that, knowing what kind of person we are, that pretty much means certain destruction is waiting; unless, that is you stay in fellowship and keep going door to door; or at least sit in front of the Post Office with a rack of magazines. Forgive me if that offended anyone; my heart actually goes out to those trapped in that religion, because they pretty much make it almost impossible for anyone to leave. I had those people on my heart, from the moment I was saved!  It is really hard to explain, if you have no experience in dealing with it; but there is actually a spirit that has hold of them, and it is the spirit of the anti-christ! If you are not familiar with what that is, it is the spirit that denies who Christ is, that He was God in the flesh, and it refuses to believe in the power of the cross! One of Jesus' half-brothers had them pegged pretty good, because he knows how they operate, and as Satan did to Eve, they try to catch wives and mothers at home, while their husbands are at work! Anywho! Let me flip this to the happy and wonderful side of life; because truth be told, the prophesy above is not going to be part of our future! If you abide in Christ Jesus, there is nothing that is written for the enemies of God that is going to be associated with you! Besides, rocks on fire falling from the sky, that is God's judgement on an unbelieving world, which is illustrated in Revelation 8 and 16, after the large crowd in heaven. So whether you are a pre-tribulation believer, or a mid-tribulation believer, your good! You know what we call the post-tribulation believers; they are called, post-toasties...

"And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory." (Revelation 16:8-9)

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