Thursday, October 10, 2019

"Simply Spoiled"

"And gave their land for a heritage: for his mercy endureth for ever:" (Psalms 136:21)

  Maybe I should give out more information with the post of the day; and I would, if it was something I could see clear enough to talk about. We have got to understand this one very important thing, if we are going to change, that we are now a New Creation; the old, dead to God, spiritually dead person is gone: Behold, all things are NEW! Stop thinking with your heads, literally, and start walking in the Spirit! You know those arcade games that have the lighted foot-pads, the ones you have to step on to the beat of the music; that is what it looks like to walk in the Spirit: every step we take, we take with the beat of the Holy Spirit lighting the way! You only get good enough to win the more you practice doing it; and that is no joke! We have come to the point of this Psalm were I believe God wants us to turn our attention to Him; to the way that He loves us, the way that He cares for us, and the way that He cleanses us. I searched the title, which I do now and again when the title is a little catchy; and this is actually a thing, believe it or not. I sometimes forget how spoiled I can get by God's blessings. The more I get, the more I feel I am entitled to. Isn't that how it usually ends up? Not to change the subject, but I seriously fear for this country and how spoiled so many people are here. I doubt that any more than 50% of this country could actually survive on their own without someone taking care of them. What a difference from when people settled here and they had to make life happen on their own. Anywho, I don't quite know what to make of it, because it just comes too easy! The more you get handed to you, the more you forget about the hand that feeds you, and focus upon the stuff! There is something that Jesus said, (just a side-note to the real problem, but the problem is easily fixed,) as He was sharing about how we should not worry about what we eat, or drink, or wear; He said, "For after all of these things do the Gentiles seek." (Matthew 6:32a) In the King James Version, that is written within parenthesis, which is a sentence inserted as an exclamation, much as the sentence and example that I placed above. The real problem is that of being an Earth-Dweller, verses a Citizen of Heaven. The Gentiles are those that are the earth dwellers; so stated because they live, eat, and die for the earth. We, on the other hand, are not to be like those Gentiles, because this is not our home; our Home is in Heaven where our Heavenly Father resides, and where Christ Jesus is there preparing a place for us, a glorious new home, for all eternity! Talk about being Simply Spoiled! What can compare to the Treasure that awaits? All of this stuff is temporary and is going to rot away. Yes, all these earthly things, that is what the world is made of...

""They went in and took possession of the land. You subdued whole nations before them. Even the Canaanites, who inhabited the land, were powerless! Your people could deal with these nations and their kings as they pleased. Our ancestors captured fortified cites and fertile land. They took over houses full of good things, with cisterns already dug and vineyards and olive groves and fruit trees in abundance. So they ate until they were full and grew fat and enjoyed themselves in all your blessings."" (Nehemiah 9:24-25) NLT

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