Friday, October 11, 2019

"Fairest of All"

"Even a heritage unto Israel his servant: for his mercy endureth for ever." (Psalms 136:22)

  Well, is that a deep subject, or what? I mean, we could circle that Mulberry Bush for the entire day, and still not be fit enough to leave the house. As crazy as it sounds, God is so deeply in love with us, He never gives up on us, even when we give up on Him! This is more than just being spoiled; this is about having a Master that does not accept the words, "I quit, or I give up!" Not as far as being His servant, that's for sure! That said, He does love to hear us say it, when it means we are through trying to do it on our own. Do you know, there are actually inmates in prison that love to be there? You might not believe it is so, but there is something about just needing to be told what to do and when to do it, that some people just cannot live without. You think about when God first made man, He placed him in a garden, filled with all sorts of things to give names to, to stimulate his mind and to give him the ability to become creative. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, although it was forbidden, it was named by God, as was the Tree of Life. Isn't interesting how little we need to tell our children about what is good and bad? They seem to already know it: when you walk in on them doing something that is bad, you can see it in their faces, they know it is bad. That is the object that God tried to keep away from man, the knowledge of good and evil! We just do what God says for us to do, and that is all we know to do! Crazy, I know, but it will actually be the case one fine day, that we will be living that kind of Life! There shall be no more curse! No forbidden tree! I don't know about you, but there is so much peace I get from knowing that we are chosen: what a difference it makes to be taken in by the Creator, because He has not just opened a door and let you in, but He has made the Door, brought you to It, and pulled you in! Don't believe me? Wait and see; because just like Israel, we are His chosen people too. So where were we? I think we were headed towards something that might be considered vanity or pride. This might be that one thing we pretend we are not, but it still becomes us, no matter how hard we try to reset. I am beautifully broken! That is what I have figured out, and I am keeping it! Good news about that, is that I have a Creator that not only made me, knows me, and loves me, He is also going to fix me...

"He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. Selah." (Psalms 47:4)

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