Monday, December 28, 2015

"Prepare Him Room"

"He shall come down like rain upon mown grass: as showers that water the earth." (Psalms 72:6) It might not seem like much, but this is what 'refreshing' is all about! You ever have one of those days when you need God to fill you up? I don't mean just a topping off, or some kind of extra spark; I'm talking about total and complete filling from head to toe, the kind of filling that replaces everything else. I don't know, maybe I've lost my mind, and I have gone off the deep end, or something very similar to crazy; but this is what I see in this text; which is really not just 'text' as in something to read, it is the life giving Word of God. I currently live on a mountain, and for the first time, I currently do not own a lawnmower; I don't need one, so I don't own one. But I still remember what it was like to mow the grass on five acres, and how awesome it was to smell it when it rained right after it had been cut. We use a weedeater now to knock down the high stuff; not quite the same effect, but there still is some hint of freshness in the air. Maybe you might have noticed what drought looks like? We have had a little bit of that here in California, so I have gotten a little taste of what it looks like. But let me tell you something that is totally awesome: as dead as stuff might look, with a little rain, there is always life! It's almost like everything was just waiting for water; just laying there dormant, waiting for some moisture to hit the ground, and then bursting forth in excitement. Okay, so it might not seem like much; but how much preparation went into that life busting forth? Not much, is what most might jump to; as if life does not require life, because it does! There is a life inside each and every one us that needs to be watered! Some of us are parched and thirsty beyond measure; there is a drought going on inside, and we need there to be rain of any kind, just a little shower would be nice! But here is what I see happening with all of that; the weeds that have grown up and are now laying over the ground, they suck up all the moisture; all the dead stuff is taking the water from the life! We have got to cut that dead stuff down! I know, it sounds kind of crazy; so call me crazy if you will, but I think it is relevant to the times we are living in. Two things that I see happening here that justify my strange way of thinking, are being prepared for Him to rain down, and Him preparing us for being watered. As odd as this might sound, there are some things that require our involvement in the process, and this is one of them; it's called 'relinquishment' of all that stuff which has grown over the life! It's all there, just waiting for you to do your part, so do it already! I happen to know a pretty good Master Gardener, one who knows His way around the inside of your heart; but He will not take what you will not relinquish... "Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces; now He will heal us. He has injured us; now He will bandage our wounds. In just a short time He will restore us, so that we may live in His presence. Oh, that we might know the LORD! Let us press on to know Him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring." (Hosea 6:1-3) NLT  

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