Wednesday, December 23, 2015

"Just, Because"

"He shall judge Thy people with righteousness, and Thy poor with judgment." (Psalms 72:2) Call me old fashion, but when did we stop telling our children it is alright to fail? I can recall leaning in school, how Ben Franklin tried and tried, how Henry Ford never took can't as an answer, and how Thomas Edison kept on till the thing that didn't work worked. As my mom use to tell me, "It's alright to fail at something, because you learn by your mistakes." Maybe we have gotten soft from all of this technology and comfort; or maybe we have run out of things to create, which I seriously doubt; or maybe, just maybe, we just don't want to be called a failure! Obviously, I have woke up on the wrong side of the bed; or maybe it was that ridicules dream that I had last night, which is not even worth sharing. Any suggestions, anyone? Okay then, let's get into this, because it's obvious I've failed thus far. If you look at the word "righteousness" in the verse above, it's a word that speaks of "straight paths" or "what is so, or ought to be so." The primary meaning of sin is to 'miss the mark,' as in, falling short of what ought to be so. As I said earlier in the month, I could not keep up with the amount of times I fell short in just one day; everything from failing to do this, to failing to not do that; it was quite overwhelming to try and keep track of all of my failures. I think I have the real reason Jesus took that napkin and folded it up, and placed it on that burial spot, because He did not fail! Everyone thought that He failed; His mission appeared to have missed the mark; but there was nothing that could have been further from the truth! Looking into that next little phrase, the "poor" are really all of us, the needy, wretched, weak, and afflicted that just can't seem to hit the mark, the mark being "righteousness." The sad thing is, is that many of us don't realize that that is who we are; we go about our lives thinking that we have it all together, and that we are doing such a good job at playing religion. But religion is just man's way of creating failure in the spiritual sense; it is just a failed way to try and make people right with God! I think it was the word "judgment" that did it for me, because I could not understand what success really looked like until I understood how much I fail. The law of Moses was the guide to show us our failure; it was not intended to show us what we should be doing, but more for showing us how far we fall short. If we really could love God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength, then we would not have needed to be saved in the first place; and we would easily be able to love one another...
"Out of the stump of David's family will grow a shoot - yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root. And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him - the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the LORD. He will delight in obeying the LORD. He will not judge by appearance nor make a decision based on hearsay. He will give justice to the poor and make fair decisions for the exploited. The earth will shake at the force of His word, and one breath from His mouth will destroy the wicked. He will wear righteousness like a belt and truth like an undergarment." (Isaiah 11:1-5)

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