Saturday, December 12, 2015

"None Beside Thee" - 2

"I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD: I will make mention of Thy righteousness, even of Thine only." (Psalms 71:16) Just in case you did not get that, yesterday was what you might call a 'distraction.' The main point of letting ourselves get distracted from the Lord, is always pointing at ourselves! It's completely all about Jesus; no matter how you slice up the Word, there is always something that points to Jesus Christ, whether it's articles that the priests wore, utensils in the temple, special days of celebration, even reasons to sacrifice and how the sacrifice was performed; and those are just things of a certain order, never mind all the trees, animals, mountains, towns, people; you name it, if it was telling a story, or if it was making a point, it was always pointing to Jesus in one way or another. As for that closing Scripture, the Living Water is more that just the Holy Spirit living through us, it's Jesus being poured out of our lives! If you want to see what God looks like, then look at Jesus; and if you want to have God visible in our own lives, then Jesus is what people will need to see; and there is only one way for that to happen, and that's the Holy Spirit making it happen by in and through our lives. I know this might not make some people comfortable, especially if you are someone that does not like to do much, but if you want to experience more of God's Spirit in you, then you have got to do something with God's Spirit that is within you. That is the primary reason that Jesus called Him "Living Water" because He flows in and out of our lives; if He is not being used, then He is not being used; and if He is not being used, then He is not flowing; and if He is not flowing, then He is not living in and through us; and if He is not living in and through us, then people do not see Jesus in us. Don't ask me how it works, because frankly I don't really know. But I can say this, if the "Water" is the "Word," and the "Word" is Jesus, then what is it that people should see in us? The word "righteousness" is not just your ordinary word for righteousness; it actually points towards something required of us, or according to right, as in this is something required. It needs not be explained, because it is so; for example, ""the early rain according to right," i.e. the rain in just measure, as the ground naturally requires." As the definition goes, "What right have I any more?" There is "None Beside Thee, O LORD!" Just believe it and let it move you! Are you familiar with what blinders are to a horse; then don't let yourself get distracted from the Lord...
"But the LORD says: "Now I will stand up. Now I will show My power and might. You Assyrians produce nothing but dry grass and stubble. Your own breath will turn to fire and consume you. Your people will be burned up completely, like thornbushes cut down and tossed in a fire. Listen to what I have done, you nations far away! and you that are near, acknowledge My might!" The sinners in Jerusalem shake with fear. Terror seizes the godless. "Who can live with this devouring fire?" they cry. "Who can survive this all-consuming fire?" Those who are honest and fair, who refuse to profit by fraud, who stay away from bribes, who refuse to listen to those who plot murder, who shut their eyes to all enticement to do wrong - these are the ones who will dwell on high. The rocks of the mountains will be their fortress. Food will be supplied to them, and they will have water in abundance. Your eyes will see the King in all His splendor, and you will see a land that stretches into the distance." (Isaiah 33:10-17) NLT

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